10 Scriptures to Pray for your Husband
I’ve had the privilege of being married to my best friend for just over three years now. As each day passes, I’m learning more and more of what a high calling it is to be a godly wife. To love, respect, encourage, and support my husband is an honor and joy, yet above that it is an incredible responsibility that God has given me. My first ministry is to him – to be his helper, the one that enables him to be the man that God is calling him to be. I am called not only to love him, encourage him, support him, and speak well of him, but I am to be found on my knees for him, going to battle for him in prayer. God calls us to be women of prayer, wives that pray for our husbands.
I’ve searched through the Scriptures, and although this is certainly not an exhaustive list of verses to pray for your husband, I hope and pray nonetheless that God’s Word comes alive to you as you commit to praying His Word over your husband. I can’t wait to see and to hear how powerful your prayer times become! Be blessed dear sisters! And please, post your comments and add to my list with Scriptures that God has given you to pray as well.
1. Romans 10:9-13 – Pray that he will confess with his mouth and believe in his heart that Jesus is Lord so that he will be saved. His salvation is God’s will for his life!
2. Ephesians 5:25 – Pray that he will love you as Christ loves the church and that he will sacrifice for you and your family just as Christ did.
3. Colossians 3:23 – Pray that in his work he will be devoted to working as unto the Lord and not to simply please man. Pray that by him doing so, he will be a light for Christ in his workplace.
4. Philemon 1:6 – Pray that he will have boldness in sharing his faith with others, bringing many to faith in Christ.
5. Acts 16:31 – Pray that his faith in Christ will pave the way for the salvation of his entire family. God is able to soften the hardest of hearts!
6. Romans 12:2 – Pray that he will reject the ways of this world and cling to Jesus Christ so that his mind will be renewed by truth and he will be able to know and understand God’s will for himself and your family.
7. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 – Pray that his love would be patient and kind, and that as he loves like Jesus loves, healthy relationships in all areas of his life would be the result.
8. Galatians 5:16 – Pray that he will daily walk in the Spirit and by the fruit of the Spirit so that he does not fall prey to sin and its temptations.
9. Ephesians 5:1-2 – Pray that he becomes increasingly more like Jesus Christ, imitating Him in all that he does so that his life will leave a lasting impact on others.
10. Philippians 2:3-5 – Pray that in all things, his attitude would reflect Christ’s and that he would live a life of humility, never seeking personal gain at the expense of others.
These are good things to pray for my future husband too since i’m not married yet. Thank you Cherie!!
Cherie, these are great scriptures to pray over our husbands (and future husbands!). It gives me strength and assurance when I pray God’s Word over my husband. Here’s my addition: James 1:22-25-that he will study God’s Word, live God’s Word & be blessed because of God’s Word; Nahum 1:7- that he will call upon and trust in the Lord in times of trouble; Eph. 4:29; 5:4- that his words would be uplifting and encouraging; may he not engage in coarse jokes or obscenity.
I love these scriptures for praying over my children’s marriages too.
I have bookmarked this page. :o) Thank you for researching and sharing. I have been sending my hubby scriptures of encouragement daily. Today I felt stuck and asked God to give me something to send him or pray over him. He sent me to your page! I will be using it. Thank you again for following His calling.
Thank you for this, very encouraging and helpful as l continue to pray for my husband to be saved.I look forward to sharing when he become saved:)