Many, if not most of us understand the importance of regular check-ups; once or maybe even twice a year (for the over achiever) visits to the dentist, a yearly physical, even the annual dreaded female exam. We might not always enjoy the appointment itself, but we can at least accept the value in choosing to go. It’s important to have regular check-ups for the sake of our overall health. Few of us would deny that. That’s why we go. So, why is it that we neglect regular spiritual check-ups? Why would we choose to ignore such a crucial aspect of our lives? How often do we allow God’s Word to evaluate our current condition? I want to invite you today to join me for an identity check-up. You may be wondering what I’m even referring to. Trust me on this one. It’s greatly needed.
The more time I spend with women in the church, the more small groups I lead, the more Bible studies I teach, I’m more and more aware of the desperate need for women to know who they are in Christ and for their minds to be transformed by His truth. Understand that I am referring to women who have already come to faith in Jesus Christ, women who have confessed with their mouths and believed in their hearts and have thus been saved. It’s absolutely alarming the amount of lies from the enemy we have believed about ourselves, which has resulted in years of bondage and spiritual strongholds and lives lacking contentment, joy, and freedom. Whether it’s destructive words spoken over you by a parent or a loved one when you were just a child, or perhaps tragic circumstances in your life that were outside of your control, God extends life-changing truth to you today from His Word. Embrace His Word and all that it has to say over you, dear one. Choose today to allow God’s Word to redefine your reality and your identity. As we spend time together today in God’s Word, my heart’s cry is that the voice of Jesus Christ shouts over the deceitful noise and chaos that has plagued our minds for far too long, and in these next few moments, may those lies be silenced by the powerful, transforming truth of God’s Word!
I did a Bible study a few years ago on knowing who you are in Christ. It was mind-blowing and completely life changing for me as I learned to memorize and meditate on portions of God’s Word that would allow my mind to be renewed. Simplified, it was recognizing the lie that I had believed, removing it, and replacing it with the truth. The common error I see in Christian circles is this determination to empty the mind/thoughts of the lies. That’s it. So, you’re left with an empty mind, vacant space that is just waiting to be occupied, and if not by truth, certainly by those old lies again. Once the lie is removed, it must be replaced with something. There are certain disciplines of the Christian faith that are tragically neglected. Scripture memorization is one of them. It never ceases to amaze me how many songs we can sing word for word, how many lines from movies we have committed to memory and can quote at the drop of a hat, and yet how often we decline memorizing God’s Word with the flawed excuse that we’re not good at memorization. Let me address this. God created our minds with such intelligence and a capacity to store information that the most brilliant scientists and doctors of our day remain baffled at the minimal amount of understanding that they have been able to attain on the way our brains function. The brain that God has given you was a blessing from His hand that was intended to be used for His glory. Discipline your mind to memorize God’s Word, and begin to see how your life will change!
I want to share with you three specific areas of our identities that I believe need a spiritual check-up. Women of faith who have been given every reason to live victorious lives have for far too long lived lives of rejection, insecurity, and insignificance. This ends today. Let’s silence the enemy, his works, and effects with God’s truth. Is rejection the scarlet letter that you feel forced to bear? Does insecurity plague you and rob you of living life to the fullest? Are you controlled by the enemy of comparison, feeling insignificant in relation to those around you? Below, I’ve listed three truths that God our Father speaks over us as His daughters. Each truth is accompanied by three verses for you to look up, meditate on throughout your day, and memorize as you retrain your mind to overcome the lies you’ve believed. There have been many times in my own life that I’ve needed a specific verse so badly that I’ve written on my mirror, forcing me to reflect on its truth every morning. Other times, I’ve kept a verse with me in my car, reading it daily as a source of encouragement. Whatever works for you, but get God’s Word in your line of vision. Focus your eyes and your minds on its truth. Ever heard the phrase “you are what you eat”? There’s a lot of truth in that simple statement. I would add to that by saying you are what you fill yourself with. Fill your mind with God’s Word and be changed forever by His truth!
I am accepted in Christ.
• Colossians 2:9-10
• Colossians 1:13-14
• John 15:15
I am secure in Christ.
• Romans 8:1-2
• Hebrews 4:16
• 1 John 5:18
I am significant in Christ.
• Matthew 5:13-14
• Ephesians 2:10
• Ephesians 3:11-12
Wow, Love this Cherie! Its so true…I can relate to this and can say I recognize the lies that come pouring in…And as a Christian woman I know Gods truths, but I am still learning how to deflect the burning arrows of the enemy! I have learned some important verses that I say out loud when this happens! Its amazing…you create an exceptional point when you say that we can memorize lyrics and movie clips! Thank you for sharing the verses, I will dicipline myself to comit these to memory! Thank you so much for your encouragement! Amazing 🙂 ps if you ever do another bible study on Who we are in Christ, I would love to attend!
Thanks Cherie for this good word! I've added some of these verses to the ones I have on my phone.
Excellent word. I used to be a part of a Navigators bible memorization group and I learned so many scriptures but it's been a long time since I've commited verses to memory. Lord help me with this and help meto get back on track in this area.