“Thus says the LORD who made the earth, the LORD who formed it to establish it – the LORD is His name: Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.” – Jeremiah 33:2-3
I just love clear communication, don’t you? In a world full sarcasm, innuendo, and half-truths, it is a breath of fresh air to come across someone who will say what they mean and mean what they say. I just want someone to tell it to me like it is. Don’t sugar coat it, and don’t beat around the bush. Tell me truth. Communicate clearly. That is what I love about God. He’s not hiding from us in His Word, but rather He delights in revealing Himself to us as we seek Him. He’s not giving us a crossword puzzle and telling us to figure it out on our own. He says what He means, and He means what He says. This is what draws me to these verses in Jeremiah. I love the clear invitation. God is sending out the invitation to each one of us. Will you respond? Let God speak to your heart as we spend these next few minutes together.
God is personal. I’m not sure if you’ve ever noticed, but occasionally in Scripture you’ll see the word LORD in all caps and then in other places it reads Lord with only the L being capitalized. I never knew there was a distinction between the two, but there is and it’s fascinating! When you see “Lord”, it is referring to a title or position. Jesus Christ is Lord; He’s ruler over all; He’s in charge. Titles can create distance – Dr., Sir, Ma’am…although these demand respect, they’re not personal. When you see “LORD”, however, this word is referring to the personal name of God, Yahweh. This is the most personal name that God gives Himself in the Old Testament. Every time we read about the LORD in His Word, God is saying to you and me that He is a personal God. He is revealing something about Himself to us when He chooses to use His name Yahweh. It’s so beautiful to me how He reaches out to us and in love assures us of His name: the one who made the earth, who formed it. The LORD is His name. He’s not telling us in verse 2 that He’s in charge, so we better listen up, although He is sovereign. By revealing His name to us, He’s inviting us to know Him personally because He is a personal God.
God invites us to pray. He simply says, “Call to me.” The word “call” is not referring to a faint utterance or a whisper. This is an honest cry from a desperate heart, a shout that must be heard. I remember specifically a time in my own life when I was desperate in my cries to the LORD. Nearing the end of my college years and eagerly anticipating what the future would hold, tragedy struck my world like never before. I still remember receiving the call from my roommate like it was yesterday. In the best way she knew how, she told me that our dear friend had committed suicide. A pain like I had never known before took up residence in my heart, and I wasn’t sure it would ever leave. As the days, weeks, and months went by, I struggled to believe that God could be good and couldn’t see how He could possibly use this for good. In my anguish and heartache, I remember crying out to the LORD, and I pleaded with Him to show me His glory, to reveal Himself to me even in this. It was in that dark season of pain that Jesus became personal to me. He heard my cry, and He spoke over me, “I am LORD, and I am here.” Hear these words of truth dear one: God cannot close His heart of compassion to you if you “call” out to Him. The prayers of God’s people invite and assure His response. I know this to be true.
God promises to answer. By God laying out his resume for us in verse 2, we can be absolutely certain that the promise He is making to us in verse 3 is one that He is able to keep. God can do what He says He can do! There are a few things we must understand as we approach this promise. First of all, Titus 1:2 tells us that God cannot lie. It’s against His nature. God fulfills the promises that He makes. Secondly, Isaiah 46:11 reveals to us that what God desires, He does. If God wills it, He accomplishes it. So, we must learn then to ask according to His will (1 John 5:14). And what is God’s will? 1 Thessalonians 4:3 tells us that it’s God’s will for us to be sanctified, to be made more like Christ. Do your prayers reflect a heart that desires to be more like Jesus? When we call to the LORD, He responds. Listen for His voice.
God gives us insight. Not only does God answer our call, but He promises to tell us great and hidden things, to bring to light our darkness and illuminate our sight. Perhaps you’re facing the darkest season of your life, a time of such intense pain or uncertainty, that no matter how hard you try, you can’t see what your next step should be. Call out to Yahweh, your personal God who loves you and promises to answer your cry. Trust in His name, the LORD, who is able to do far more than you could ask or imagine. Then wait and experience His sufficiency as He tells you great and hidden things that you have not known. Let the reality of His presence wash over you as you come to know the LORD your God.
I cannot tell you what a blessing this post was to me today! Thank you for your insight and honest telling of God’s Word. It spoke to me right where I’m at today! My heart overflows when I see how far God has brought you through the past several years and what a beautiful young woman you have become!
I want to finish my thuoght here. If God treated us fairly Jesus would have never died on the cross. and we would have never been offered salvation. I praise God that He loves me, He never fails me and He goes to plan B and on. Look ho w He blessed Israel, they sinned and went away from God countless times, but He was faithful and loved them any way. Romans 5:8 But God commended His love toward us, in that while we were sinners Christ died for us. Praise be to God!