This year has been one of refining. It has been a year of humbling and breaking down of me to make much of Him. The theme, if you will, has been “burn away”.
“God, burn away all that is within me that is not of you. Make me more like you, Jesus.”
It’s been the cry of my heart for years, and I’ve see God at work in me this year, answering that very prayer. And it’s been painful. But it’s been good. Pruning tends to be, doesn’t it? The bad needs to go, but it’s hard. It hurts. Still, it’s necessary. And although I prayed that prayer many times, I’m only now beginning to understand it. I DO want to be more like Jesus, and I now understand that it means I must become less so that He may become greater, in and through me.
On that note, I want to share with you a new song by my friend Meredith Andrews. Her new CD releases early next year, but I couldn’t wait to share this particular song with you. “Burn Away” puts into words my heart’s desire, a desire that God put within me and one that He’s accomplishing in me now. I pray that as you read these words, you too will join me in my prayer:
“God, burn away all that is within me that is not of you. Make me more like you, Jesus.”
Burn Away by Meredith Andrews
Only You, only You
All I need
Let nothing stand in between
Make me Yours, consuming fire
Burn away everything that breaks Your heart
Everything that is not love
Purify my every thought
Take away everything that comes between us
Everything that is untrue
Jesus make me more like You
Burn away
You are love, You are love
Blazing light
Holy flame, fierce and wild
Have Your way consuming fire
Make me holy as You are holy
Refine me in your fire, oh God
Make me holy as You are holy
In my life be glorified
Julie Lane says
My heart resonates with these words..thank you for sharing!