This past week has been filled with lots of change for me, and it has surfaced in all sorts of different ways. I’ve never really had a hard time with change, but I wouldn’t necessarily say that I love it either. It’s one of those things that I’ve learned to embrace, and often times I’ve even learned to love it.
Of course, not all change is easy. Some is extremely hard. Some is very painful. Some is forced upon you, and all you want to do is run in the opposite direction kicking and screaming. And depending on your capacity to handle change, it can prove to be life-changing for you, good or bad.
But whatever way you look at change, one thing is true. Change is simply inevitable. Given enough amount of time, things will change, and some things should change. In many cases, change signifies growth. Change is a part of life.
In all of this change going on in my own life, I was brought back to a truth that I was taught when I was just a child. And on a side note, there is such beauty in the truth that we teach our children, because truth learned at such a young age is retained and sticks with them for years, even decades later. My mom taught me this truth from Scripture that I’m about to share with you when I was young, and it is one that I’ve gone back to time and time again when the changing world around me seems to be changing too quick and too much.
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8 (NIV)
I can’t even begin to tell you (but of course, I’m going to try) how much hope and encouragement these few words have brought to my weary, worried soul. Whatever change is occurring in the world in which I live, my God is not moved. He remains seated on His throne. He is not pacing back and forth in heaven over the things that keep me up at night. He remains in control of every aspect, every detail, and He rules and reigns from a position of being seated.
Let that one soak in for just a moment.
He’s not worried. He’s not anxious. He’s not wondering what His next move is going to be. He remains the same. He does not change. And there is a tremendous amount of comfort to be found in this aspect of His character. The world in which we live, its laws, and beliefs will continue to change. But Jesus Christ never will. And neither will His Word. He remains the same—yesterday, today, and forever.
Rest in that, friends. Find hope there. Be encouraged by this truth. God doesn’t change.
Great message! Love the reminder in verse Hebrews 13:8.
how true this is!! Thanks Cherie!