You may know me by a different name…low self-esteem, constant uncertainty, lack of confidence, self-hatred, fear, anxiety, self-doubt, defeat…I wear many masks and reveal myself in many ways. But my name remains the same – Insecurity.
Most of you know me far too well. You wear me around your neck everywhere you go. I’m a heavy burden that you carry. You bring me along into every relationship you enter. I am your worst nightmare and your greatest enemy, but you just can’t seem to shake me.
My name is insecurity. I lie to you and cause you defeat. I tempt you to believe the absolute worst about yourself, and I often succeed in my attempts because you let me. My influence over you causes you to believe that you are insignificant and will never amount to much. My lies have crushed any amount of truth you’ve been told. Because of me, you doubt your God-given abilities and fail to step into what God created you to be.
I delight in causing you to compare yourself to others. Every time you think that you don’t measure up to those around you, I smile. I feed you constant criticism and judgments. Although I continually seek to tear you down, you can’t seem to let go of me. The more you dwell on my lies and false assessments, the less likely you are to walk in truth and freedom.
My name is insecurity, and there’s only one cure for my infectious poison. Since you seem to be so obsessed with my critique of you, I doubt you’ll ever find it. I will do everything I can to keep you from it. I’ll throw fashion magazines in your line of vision to remind you of the impossible standard that you’ll never measure up to. I’ll continually remind you of your past failures in hopes of ensuring that you’ll never pursue future victories. I’ll exhaust myself to keep you doubting any good that might be inside of you.
Because if you find the cure, you’ll never want to return to me. If you find the cure, I will be ruined. If you find the cure, you’ll realize how weak I really was all along. If you ever take your eyes off of me even for a split second and turn your gaze to the face of Jesus Christ, I’m doomed. Because He will expose all of my lies. He will set the record straight and reveal to you who you really are. I can’t let that happen. I can’t lose you. Because if I do, it’ll only be a matter of time before I lose others. The more you walk in freedom, the more you’ll point others to that same freedom…and the weaker I’ll become.
My name is insecurity, and I’m only as strong as you allow me to be.
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