“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28
Tonight was a beautiful night. As I sat in my living room with a few girls from my small group sharing our hearts, our struggles, and our lives with each other, an extraordinary thing happened. God spoke. Do you ever have a moment like that, a moment when His voice suddenly becomes clear and His Word speaks? That happened tonight through the words of a few precious friends that spoke truth to me. Finding myself struggling to see God in some difficult situations in my life, and then Bam! He spoke.
My heart was brought back to a familiar verse, one that I’ve spoken over others on countless occasions, yet one that I had simply failed to see the relevance of in my own struggle. I don’t know about you, but I tend to like strong statements, solid facts, hard truth. Hit me between the eyes with it, and don’t sugar coat it. If you know me at all, you know this to be true of me. I’m prone to these statements myself, as I tend to be more of a black and white kind of person. So, when my eyes fell on Romans 8:28 again tonight, although very familiar with this verse, it nonetheless delivered a solid punch of truth straight to my heart.
I’m reminded afresh that this promises covers “all things” for the believer in Christ – not just the tragic, not only the insignificant, but all things and everything in between. God works in the mundane, those things that you’re convinced will drive you mad. God works in the brokenness, when you feel as if you can no longer hold on. God works in the abundance and the joys of life, when you scarcely recognize your need for His presence. God works in fall out, when the illusion of control slips from between your fingers. In all things, not just some things, not just in the things He might deem important, but in ALL THINGS God works for the good. Did you hear that? For the good. So, He’s not just at work, but He’s working in all things for the good of those who love Him. Just remember, dear one – His good more than likely differs from your good, and thank God for that. He knows what is best for His children, and He does have our best in mind. We can have confidence in this truth.
Notice the opening words: “And we know…” There is assurance there, a confidence. We know. We don’t need to think, hope, or wonder on this one. We know! His Word said it. His character proves it. We know that if we love Him, if we’ve been called according to His purpose, then He is at work in our lives, in our situations, in our days, in our moments for the good. Rest in this truth. Fall back on this promise. That is the challenge I was met with tonight. Stand upon this truth in your life. Your current struggle at work, the hopeless situation at home, the financial struggle…God intends to work in it for your good. Not your want, but your good. Surrender to Him, and watch Him work. He is good. He is faithful. He fulfills His promises.
I love this, Cherie!! That’s one of my absolute favorite verses. I’m so glad God spoke to you and reminded you (and me :]) of this important truth. I love you lots and am praying for you! <3
Cherie, I am truly blessed to have you as a small group leader. Thanks so much for sharing this truth. I am glad that God used Sarah and I to help you out.You really are such an amazing teacher and counselor and I learn so much from you!