“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” Mark 1:17
It’s gearing up to be an incredible week! Starting tomorrow night, a few thousands kids accompanied by several hundred leaders and servant ministers will be in attendance for Central Christian Church’s Vacation Bible School (VBS) 2012.
I cannot begin to tell you how excited and honored that I am to have been invited back again this year to teach the 1st-6th graders each night. There is a different kind of rush that comes with teaching kids that age. In one sense, you get to become a kid again. Although teaching women is definitely my sweet spot, I never pass up an opportunity to teach kids about God’s love for them…never!
As I’ve been preparing my lessons for this week, something dawned on me. Myself, along with the many leaders that are giving their time this week to impact kids’ lives for eternity, will be presenting these children with some very simple truths about who Jesus is.
Simple, yet profound.
And it occurred to me that we as adults are in no way exempt from needing these reminders as well.
So, I’m cordially inviting you to join me on the VBS journey this week. I will be blogging about each lesson that I’ll be teaching the kids, so in one sense, you get to be a part of the fun and craziness of VBS week at Central Christian Church!
The truth that Jesus wants you should come as no surprise. You’ve heard it before.
God loves you, and He wants to have a relationship with you.
Yet, there are always roadblocks that keep many of us from running into those arms of love, aren’t there?
My heart breaks every time I hear someone say, “God could never forgive me of all that I’ve done. I’ve gone too far. I’m not worthy of such love, such forgiveness. I can’t even forgive myself.”
Of course, that is a paraphrase, but I’m sure you understand my point. You may have heard someone say the same thing to you, or perhaps you’re the one who has spoken those words.
I’m here to tell you today that the only qualification for Christ’s forgiveness, love, salvation, and an eternity with Him is faith.
It’s not an incredible track record.
It’s not being a good person.
It’s not attending the right church.
When Jesus walked this earth, He called a small number of men to be His closest companions. Many would have called them the least likely or unexpected choices for a King, a Savior, the Messiah. Men who were no more than society’s mid to lower class, and in some cases social outcasts, but Jesus called them despite those things. He said, “Come follow me”, and they did.
Likewise, Jesus calls out to you today.
His invitation still stands.
Whether you’ve rejected it in the past or embraced it only to walk away, today He extends His hand to you again saying, “Come and follow me.”
“Come and follow me.”
Will you? Dismiss the lies that shout your sins are unforgivable. Christ’s blood covered every sin once and for all on the cross, and today, He invites you in. Jesus wants you. He loves you. He simply says, “Come.”
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