Something pretty exciting has been brewing behind the scenes of Neue Thing for quite awhile now, and we are finally just one day away from the big reveal. For those of you who don’t know, “Neue Thing” is a ministry that I founded just over three years ago to encourage, equip, and empower women to know and love Jesus Christ through the study and application of His Word. This Friday, December 12th, our “Neue” website for Neue Thing will officially launch! This has been over a year in the making, and I can hardly wait to share it with you all.
As I think about all that this change will entail, there are mixed emotions stirring inside of me. On one hand, I couldn’t be happier to know that this move is going to help further the reaches of this ministry in more ways than I could even list for you here. Still, there is a bittersweet aspect to this change. My very first blog post ever written over three years ago was posted to what will be “the old site” in just a day’s time. Two Bible studies were written through this site, and more than all of that, my prayer has been that this site would serve as a platform for women to come to know their God. And I believe that this is exactly what has happened – for the past three years, has served as a tool to connect women to their Savior through the reading and study of His Word. Much ministry has occurred through this blog, and while I’m a bit sad to see the old site come to an end, I’m confident in my expectation that the Lord is going to continue to move mightily through the reaches of Neue Thing.
This whole change over has caused me to be extremely contemplative on the last three years. I’ve thought all the way back to the very first days and the foundation that was laid for Neue Thing. I think back to those first conversations I had in my living room with the visionaries that helped set this wheel in motion. My heart nearly skips a beat as I flip through the worn pages of my Bible to the underlined and highlighted Isaiah 43:19:
“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
Three years and a few months ago, God was at work in my living room, stirring up a passion within my soul. In September, 2011, God was doing a new thing…and over three years later, He is still doing a new thing, and now it springs forth! Three years of vibrant ministry has come and gone, and the Lord has made ways in the wildernesses of the lives of so many and rivers in the desert places of hurting, wounded hearts. I’ve seen Him at work with my own eyes. I’ve heard Him speak. I’ve watched His Spirit move. I’ve tasted and seen that the Lord is good, and I’ve proclaimed it until my voice gave out, and even then kept speaking of His goodness.
I am now at another turning point, looking back over three years of God’s abundant faithfulness, waiting to turn another corner that I’m not fully certain of what to expect on the other side, but nevertheless I remain confidently hopeful in the God who makes all things new; in the God who makes a way in the wilderness; in the God who brings rivers into the desert. Behold, He is doing a new thing!
Today might be the very first time you’ve laid your eyes on, or maybe you’ve read every single post since the very first one. Either way, I invite you to join me on this new ride as we salute the past in reflecting on God’s steadfast faithfulness every step of the way, and as we turn our gaze forward to the horizon and walk faithfully forward, one step at a time.
Neue Thing isn’t going anywhere, and neither am I. We’re just getting a fresh, new face. If there’s one thing that God has made clear in and throughout this ministry, it’s that He is IN this, He is FOR this, and He is moving THROUGH this. Let’s not miss what He is doing in the present because we have such a tendency to get so caught up in what He’s done in the past. He is doing a new thing! Get ready! Great things are in store for 2015! Behold, He is doing a Neue Thing!
Carrie Seather says
This is very exciting. So happy to see continued growth. <3
Denise says
Amen! He is faithful!!
Debbie Bradshaw says
So excited about this!
Amelia says
Proud of you, and excited for you!!