Multitudes profess that they believe in God, that He exists. Countless boast the name “Christian.” But, is there a gap between this profession and genuine faith lived out?
A few months ago, I began to wrestle with this question, “If God is real, then what?” If He is real, how does that change the way I live my life? Does it change the way I live my life? Does my life look any different than my neighbor who has no relationship with Jesus Christ?
“If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” John 14:15
Jesus has a way of drawing lines in the sand, of making the gray become ultra clear. He simply says that if we claim to love Him, that love will always propel us to obedience. Always. And what are His commands?
“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And He said to them, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.” Matthew 22:36-40
In short, Jesus says, “Love God, and love people.” So, how are we doing at loving God first and above everything else in this life? Above our spouse. Above our kids. Above our career. Above our stuff. And how are we doing at loving people? Do we treat others with the love, respect, and kindness that we would want to be treated with? Are we patient and gentle in our dealings with others or harsh and abrasive? Are we known for being loving?
When God commands us to obey His commandments, this is what He is talking about. Love Him first and foremost. Love others more than you love yourself. Live like you believe that God is real. This world is growing tired and weary of “Christians” who don’t.
Dear Sweet Cherie, I journaled the very same verse this morning and have been pondering it. “If you love me, obey my commands” (John 14:15).
This verse came to me as I was reading about Caleb, a man who “wholeheartedly followed the LORD my God” (Joshua 14:8). I so want to love God with my whole heart. The NLT uses wholeheartedly whereas other versions such as ESV use the word, “fully.” To fully follow God. I did some digging cuz truly I want this to be said of me by my descendants in future years!!!
• Fully or completely, sincere, enthusiastic, energetic,hearty,
earnest – serious in intention, purpose, or effort; sincerely zealous
• May those who come behind us find us faithfully loving God with all of our heart.
• May our obedience bring favor to our children/spouses.
• Living in obedience and continuing one generation through the next.
• Our obedience will affect the generations to come! Wow.
• We obey. We do what God tells us to do. Period. He is God. He knows best what we need. Over time as we do “this area of obedience” it will translate in our heart and emotions to love doing what God desires. To live and love God more than we love ourselves is counter culture. But, if/when we obey and just do it, God begins to do the transforming part…He grows His word in us, and it is the Word that changes us. His word sets us free from the sin of doing things are own way.
• Do we love God enough to do what He tells us to do? Do we love Him wholeheartedly?
• Do we love Him with zeal, with depth, with energy, with a purpose?
• Help us Jesus! We need Your help every hour.
Ok I am going to church on this blog entry! Preach it ladies, I cannot use these reminders enough!!! I see my biggest failure to obey the command to love in my lack of patience with my family…I want to be described as “loving”. Thanks for these words of encouragement!