This weekend, I had the privilege of attending Beth Moore’s very first LIT event in Houston, Texas. All I knew going into this one-day conference was that it was for women in their 20s and 30s who have been called to writing, speaking, and teaching the Gospel. As you can imagine, that’s all I needed to know. I signed up the moment registration opened…and barely got a ticket.
As I flew to Houston on Friday, my heart was filled with expectation. My heart was filled with hope that this one-day would encourage, equip, and empower me once again towards what the Lord has called me to:
To encourage, equip, and empower women with the Word of God.
The very thing God has asked me to commit my life to is the very thing I was needing myself this weekend. And because God is a good, good Father, He fully met me in my need and fully met my need.
I sat in a room with over 700 women whose hearts are driven by similar passions: to communicate the Gospel, whether through spoken word or written word, and instead of comparing and competing, we befriended one another, worshipped together, and cheered each other on. What a beautiful picture of the body of Christ, one I will never forget.
The overflow of this day will spill out onto the pages of my blog and journals and into my conversations for the days, weeks, months, and even years to come, because this one day changed me.
Not because of Beth Moore or Christine Caine or Priscilla Shirer or Jennie Allen or Melissa Moore or Amanda Jones or Christy Nockels.
I’m changed because of the presence and person of Jesus Christ.
Friends, He is real. He is true. He is trustworthy with your longings, your dreams, and your future. He is good. The long winter seasons of life and the deep valleys and the dry deserts can cause us to forget the trueness and steadfastness of His character. Our circumstances too often consume our sight, and we stop seeing His face in the midst of them.
No more, my friends. No more. Joy, fullness of joy, can be had amidst loss, sorrow, and deep disappointment. Abundant life can be known and had when life’s circumstances are far less than desirable. Jesus is everything. And everything is ours in Christ. The more we desire things, people, and position above Jesus Christ, the more dissatisfied we will be. The more we strive to make a name for ourselves, the less effective we will be for Jesus and building His Kingdom here on earth. The more we refuse humility, the more we will be humbled.
Jesus is everything. There is no greater name. There is no higher aim. There is no cause more worthy. Jesus.
And so, my life, my words, my actions, and my relationships will continue to be filled with one thing: I will proclaim the name of Jesus. I will lift high the name of Jesus. I will teach the name of Jesus. I will love the name of Jesus.
Because Jesus is everything to me.
To those who experienced LIT with me this past weekend, we more than likely walked away with a similar resolve. Jesus. Just Jesus. No more pursuit of self and selfish ambition. Rather, we will bow low and choose to shine Him instead of ourselves.
To those who weren’t there, be encouraged by the outpouring that is sure to come from those who were. There is a generation of young women rising to take their places among the faithful who have gone before us. We are a mighty force with a powerful message: Jesus. Just Jesus. He is everything.
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