“Worship is breathing in who God is and exhaling His praise.”
Doesn’t that just wreck you, like in a good way? To inhale who God is. To exhale who He is. This is worship. I can’t tell you how long I assumed that worship was limited to the songs we sing because, quite frankly, that is the box which we have put it in on Sunday mornings. However, at some point during the awakening of my soul to all who God is, I found myself eagerly returning to the place of worship, again and again and again.
I want to invite you to a little exercise today, a strengthening of your spiritual muscles if you will. Are you game? Truth says that worship is a lifestyle, meaning the rhythms of your day, your weeks, your months, your years should be that of breathing in who God is and exhaling His praise. If that includes singing, GREAT! The point is that it should encompass far more than melodies flowing through your lips. And to breathe in who God is can only be done through time spent in His Word, because God is who He says He is in His Word.
So, let’s turn there together, shall we? Here’s what I want to invite you to do. Below, I’ve listed several names of God, who He says He is in His Word, and I’ve coupled each name with Scripture. Here’s the exercise: Look up each verse in your Bible, read each verse at least twice, and thank God OUT LOUD for being who He says He is. You and I need to breathe! Are you ready for some worship?
Our God is…
Able (Ephesians 3:20)
Binder of the brokenhearted (Psalm 147:3)
Comforter (Isaiah 49:13)
Defender (Psalm 68:5)
Eternal (Deuteronomy 33:27)
Faithful (1 Corinthians 10:13)
Generous (James 1:5)
Healer (Psalm 103:3)
Intercessor (Romans 8:26)
Just (Psalm 50:6)
King of Kings (1 Timothy 6:15)
Living water (John 4:10)
Merciful (Hebrews 2:17)
Near (Psalm 34:18)
Overcomer (John 16:33)
Provider (Philippians 4:19)
Quick to answer (Psalm 141:1)
Refuge (Joel 3:16)
Salvation (Acts 4:12)
Truth (John 14:6)
Unchanging (James 1:17)
Victorious (1 Corinthians 15:54-57)
Wise (Romans 16:27)
Yahweh (LORD—Exodus 3:15)
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