“You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.” Isaiah 26:3
In my thirty-one short years that I’ve walked this earth, I have come across far too many people, friends and family alike, living with the agonizing darkness of depression. Too many. And every single one that finds enough courage to share their pain with me acknowledges the common denominator, the single thing that they all share in their struggle: darkness. Overwhelming, heavy darkness.
When I think of the word “darkness”, my mind instantly runs to the spiritual realm. Satan, the enemy of God and the tormentor and deceiver of man, dwells in darkness. He is clothed in darkness. He prowls around like a lion seeking someone to devour…in darkness. I believe with all of my heart that depression is one of his most crafty weapons that he uses against God’s children. If he can only convince us of hopelessness, we will forever reside there. In hopeless darkness.
Having never personally walked this road myself, I can only empathize with the pain of those who have. I can only weep with them, pray for them, fight alongside of them. I can intercede for those who can’t seem to lift up their head to gaze out of the pit of darkness that they’re stuck in. And I can believe in and stand upon the promises of God’s Word. He grants PERFECT PEACE to anyone whose mind is fixed and focused on Christ. I can claim this promise for the hurting and broken. Because the mind who is steadfast on the Lord is the mind of one who trusts in the Lord.
The truth is that all hell could break loose in our lives…today, tomorrow…yet we could still be found dwelling in perfect peace in the midst of it. I’m not saying that it’s easy. I’m not suggesting that it’s natural. I’m telling you that it’s possible. For those of us who have been called to walk beside someone, anyone, who battles the darkness and overwhelming despair of depression, it is our honor and responsibility to believe that God is who He says He is for not only ourselves, but for the downcast as well.
When they can’t utter a word in prayer, cry out to God for them. When they can’t lift up their head, lift up yours and know that your help (their help) comes from the Lord, the maker of Heaven and Earth. When they can only weep, weep with them. And when they can receive words of truth, SPEAK THEM. Perfect peace is available for those who fix their focus and gaze on the God of Heaven. Light in the midst of darkness. He is always faithful to fulfill His promise. Believe it today.
I refer to “it” as “The Dark Cloud”. It rolls in, always unexpected, and tries to cover the light. Just this morning I saw it in the distance and my mind instantly filled with worry and the needs of my family that I can not meet. I hadn’t even realized it until I read your post. Thank you for writing and sharing this. The cloud is gone and I feel His peace. I can now jump up and make all those hungry mouths stacks of pancakes and be the blessing I was created to be:).
I love how God meets us where we’re at with what we need, every time! Grateful for you, Julie!
Oh, Cherie, thank you for your words. As one who does struggle occasionally with major depression – and live daily with dysthymia, a minor sort of ‘funk’ – it keeps me going knowing I can lean and depend on my God and Savior. After a botched suicide attempt in the 80’s (my first thought when I realized I was in the hospital and not dead was, “well, shoot. I can’t even kill myself right.”) I determined I’d never again allow anything (or any enemy) to so defeat me. It’s not always easy but it IS always do-able. I can do all things through him who gives me strength. (Phil 4:13) Thanks for your encouragement!
So grateful for your story and that God is STILL at work in it! Thank you for sharing.
Cherie ~ this is so good. As Christian’s we so often don’t want to see “the elephant in the room”. But so nancy people fight this darkness. I have dealt w it over the years, and was suicidal in my college years, I couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel even though I was a bekiever. I had experienced much abuse and was such a sensitive girl, I remember thinking “I wish I wasn’t born” in junior high. I believe the enemy plants seeds to get your thought lined up with his lies. He attempts to wound us when we are tender and young. The remedy is absolutely true as you wrote. Confide in others, don’t isolate. I never used meds but some do need to at least temporarily to get over the hump if their seretotum levels are whacked. But it is a DAILY fight of getting up and thanking God for your life, day, etc. and renewing our minds with the Word. His Word empowers us and heals us as we apply it. This has been my key. I also journal and that is good!
Praising God alongside of you that He saved you from yourself and kept you close to Himself. May we be agents of His perfect peace to everyone around us…DAILY, just as you said!
*many not nancy
*believer not bekiever
Lol- should of proofed.