It’s hard to imagine the unimaginable until it becomes your present reality. I confess that there is much about suffering that I have not even tasted, much of suffering that I have been spared from. One thing I have always asked of the Lord, though, is to give me a heart for the broken, for the suffering. That is a prayer that He has readily answered.
A few weeks ago, I became aware of a desperate situation that immediately gripped my heart. As I was scrolling through my Facebook feed, I came across a post entitled “Pray for Caleb”. After spending a few moments reading through it, I came to find out that a girl (Desire) I attended Moody Bible Institute with and graduated with in 2005 recently gave birth to her third child who was diagnosed with a severe congenital heart defect, knowing that upon giving birth to this precious baby boy, he would almost immediately under surgery to help save his life. Over the last four months, Caleb has experienced more trauma than I probably ever will in my lifetime, including numerous surgeries, tests, and procedures, and his life has been sustained for the last month on life support as they have anxiously awaited a new heart for him. Today, they finally received the news they have been waiting for that a heart became available, and he will undergo his heart transplant surgery tonight.
As I have followed Caleb’s story over the past several weeks, the Lord has continually brought this baby boy to mind and turned my heart to prayer for his full and complete healing. I cannot imagine what Desire and her husband Matt have been going through, but I do know this:
Prayer is powerful.
Prayer changes things.
Prayer is obedience.
I am asking each one of you to join me in prayer tonight for a miracle for Caleb. Pray that his tiny body receives this heart well. Pray for the physician’s hands that they will ultimately be guided by our Heavenly Father, the Great Physician. Pray for Desire and Matt as they endure what will no doubt be the longest night of their lives. Pray for the family who is grieving the loss of their own child, yet graciously gave the heart of their child to help save Caleb. Pray for a miracle. Pray for Christ to be glorified through what man might consider impossible.
We serve a mighty God, one who knows no limitations. He is able. Will you join me in prayer?
Thank you so much for posting this. I will be keeping this little man in my prayers.
Most recent update from Desire an hour ago:
He’s done!!!!!!
They’re going to get Caleb settled in his room now. Dr. Eghtesady just came and said that it was a difficult operation, but everything went pretty well. We still have hurdles ahead of us and today will likely have some ups and downs, but overall things are looking good.
Thank you, Lord! Please keep praying!