“Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work, to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people.” Titus 3:1-2
The beginning of a new four years starts today. Whether he was your choice or not, President Obama is the authority that God appointed to lead our nation. Make no mistake about that. Above any human ruler or authority remains the God of the Universe who is in control of all things. Find hope in that constant truth.
Our commitment to prayer is perhaps more crucial now than ever. Not only prayer for our nation but more specifically, prayer for our nation’s leader. Wouldn’t it be an incredible victory for Christians everywhere to take God’s Word seriously when it comes to this issue of authority? Be submissive, be obedient, be ready, speak evil of no one, avoid quarreling, be gentle, and show courtesy towards all people. Perhaps that is how the world will know and see God’s love. Will you join me in praying for our elected President?
Heavenly Father,
There is nothing that happens that is outside of your control, and there is no plan of yours that is ever thwarted. Even though there may be many who are saddened and confused by the outcome of this election, I pray that your Word speaks louder than our disappointment. Help us to submit to the authority that you’ve placed over us. Help us to be obedient to your Word by being ready for every good work. Help us keep a tight reign on our mouths as to avoid evil and slanderous speech. Help us to seek peace with all and to be gentle in our dealings with others. And above all, keep us on our knees for President Obama and the leaders of our country. Give them the wisdom and guidance necessary to make right decisions that would honor you. In everything, remind us that you are our King, and we bow down to you. Jesus, keep your hand of mercy and grace on our nation.
In Jesus’ name,
WHat a good word for today! Thanks Cheri. I prayed yesterday, I prayed today and will continue to pray for the President, for our country! And I will work on keeping my lips closed to gossip and slander!
Posting this on FB to ask my sisters & brothers in Christ to bow before our Father in Heaven and to continue to pray for our country and its leaders.
Amen! Thank you for the reminder.