By now, most people have either heard about the KONY 2012 campaign or the recent public behavior of Jason Russell or both. I heard about both through social media…Facebook, Twitter, etc. These social tools can be such incredible resources used for good, and likewise they can be used for destruction. If you have no idea what I’m talking about right now, take 30 minutes to catch yourself up. It would do you good to be informed about this issue that went viral within hours. Check out the KONY2012 video here, produced by Invisible Children, a non-profit organization that exists to bring justice to those in the LRA (Lord’s Resistance Army) that abduct, rape, abuse, and force children to become soldiers that kill. The organization, and in particular this KONY 2012 campaign, exists to bring freedom to the thousands of children that have fallen into the hands of Joseph Kony and his army.
Just as suddenly as this video and movement went viral, so did Jason Russell’s recent behavior, the co-founder of Invisible Children and the face behind the KONY 2012 campaign. As unfortunate as it is to see our leaders fall, the devastation that we may feel as we watch them fall is our fault. We are the ones that put them up on the pedestal, a place they should never have been put. We are all fallen, broken, sinful individuals, and more than anything right now, Jason Russell needs to be surrounded by Christian community who will love him and seek to restore him to both physical and spiritual health. Was his behavior wrong? Yes, it was. However, this in no way should prevent us as Christians, even as humans, to fight for justice and for freedom for the oppressed. The truth of the matter is that every organization is run by sinful men – every church, every non-profit, every charitable organization, every Fortune 500. As I think about all that Invisible Children have done to make this tragic injustice “visible” to the world, a world that just weeks ago knew far less about this tragedy and a world that can be greatly influential in bringing this injustice to an end, I am grateful. We must be reminded of what God’s heart is truly about.
“He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8
Although the organization “Invisible Children” has been around for several years, there was an overnight fame that came to Jason Russell in the past few days with the release of the KONY 2012 video. Massive amounts of praise and criticism flooded his way. More and more I begin to realize that we were not intended for fame. We don’t tend to handle it well. God’s name was meant to be famous, and that is all. We were meant to do justice, and to love mercy and kindness, and to walk humbly with God. My desire would be to see the church respond in an appropriate way to this situation. The cause is still good. Justice and mercy still need to be the cry of our hearts. And before anyone of us decides to write a blog or post incriminating judgements on another, first look in the mirror, and I pray that the mirror you choose to see your reflection from is God’s Word. Seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.
I had not seen or heard about this until your blog. Thank you for sharing it. I cried so hard watching and am so moved. Your words are so beautiful and so true, because they are the words of God.
Love you,
Good blog, Cher! It reflects what I’ve been feeling through all this as well. Love ya!
Cherie, I pray that Jason will receive the support and love he and his family need right now, especially from the Christian community. I had not seen this video, but was somewhat aware because some kids in our neighborhood posted flyers everywhere and told a little of who Kony is. Your words speak truth and love and need to be heard by all! Love you!