“You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.” Isaiah 26:3
Hello out there to all of you memory verse challenge participants! How’s it going? Did you make it through Week 1 and Week 2? Just for a quick review for those of you that might just now be joining us in this Scripture Memory Challenge, we are committing to memorizing one verse a week in correlation with my Bible study “Found On My Knees”. I realize that not all of you live down the street from me in Arizona, therefore not all of you are able to participate in my study with me on Tuesday nights. This is your way of participating from afar! Join us in the challenge to commit six verses to memory over the course of six weeks, and begin the journey from brokenness to blessing as your mind is being transformed to the likeness of Jesus Christ. Who’s in?
Week 3 of the Bible study is all about TRUST.
“In the midst of the storm…trust”
Trusting in God is hard. It’s tough. And especially when we find ourselves in the midst of the storm, trust doesn’t always seem to be our natural default, does it? What I absolutely LOVE about our memory verse this week is the word “peace”. Anybody out there in need of a little bit of peace? Yes, me too. Are you looking for peace? Perfect peace at that? Then trust in the Lord. Peace is directly associated to one’s willingness and choice to trust in God. Isaiah 26:3 declares that truth. Perfect peace is afforded to those who trust in the Lord. Are you lacking peace? Trust in the Lord. Let’s go to work, ladies! I love this verse, and I love what God’s Word does to my heart and mind when I choose to commit it to memory and put it into practice. Who’s up for the challenge?
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