Although I have NEVER been a morning person, and honestly I don’t anticipate ever being one, I have found there to be much benefit in quiet time spent with Jesus before you begin your day. It’s never easy (at least not for me) to get up those few minutes earlier to get in the Word before I head off into the world, but there has NEVER been one day that I’ve done it that it hasn’t been incredibly beneficial.
This morning, during the hours I would normally find myself sound asleep, I found myself on the pages of Psalm 34. I had to be somewhere very early this morning, which God totally redeemed for time spent with Him. Here’s the beauty that I stumbled across this morning, and it’s just too good not to share.
“When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:17-18 (ESV)
Don’t you just love the promises of God? And better yet, don’t you just rest in knowing that our God is not only a promise-maker; He is a promise-keeper. Every word is true, and He remains faithful to every word of His Word. Always.
So, the first promise for your Thursday:
The Lord will hear you. You only need to cry out to Him.
Don’t hold back in whispers. Verse 17 instructs us to “cry out”, so cry out, friends! He can handle it. He’s got this. You’re not going to overwhelm Him with your difficulty. He’s greater. And He promises to not only hear your cry, but…
Promise #2 for your Thursday:
The Lord will deliver you. You only need to cry out to Him.
Again, the promise of deliverance from all of your troubles rests on your willingness to recognize your need for your Savior. Despite the world in which we live that tempts us to consistently rely on ourselves, the righteous one knows that there is nothing she can do without the strength, love, and grace from her Father in Heaven. But it doesn’t even end there…
Promise #3 for your Thursday:
The Lord is near. Choose today to recognize His constant presence in your circumstance.
He has never left your side, nor will He. His promise to be near is not altered by your ability to run in the opposite direction, either. Psalm 139 reminds us that there is no where we can go to escape His presence. Try and run, my friends, but God will always outrun you. Every time. Are you ready for one more?
Promise #4 for your Thursday:
The Lord will save.
Are you feeling crushed under the weight of your struggle today? Are you carrying the heavy burden of your difficulty? The Lord promises to save those who are crushed. You need only to cry out to Him. Stop trying to function as your own savior in this battle, and remember that you already have one.
Mercy says
This was totally meant for me today. This week has been rough with a lot of personal hardships. Thank you Father God for speaking to me through my sister in Christ, Cherie