As I celebrate this Memorial Day with family and friends and a day off of work, gratitude fills my heart for the tremendous amount of freedom that I have. For far more reason than a three-day weekend, a BBQ, and time at the pool, I find myself beyond thankful for the freedoms that you and I share. Some of those freedoms I have unfortunately taken for granted in the past, but I find myself today filled with a heart of thankfulness for those who have fought and died to give me the freedoms that I enjoy. To those who have gone before us, those who have fought and died, those who have embraced courage instead of fear to preserve the freedom that we have, thank you. To the families who have given their children and husbands and have lost those loved ones as they’ve fought to keep our freedom, thank you. The sacrifice that has been made is celebrated today. I am so thankful for freedom.
If there is one thing that has been made very clear to me in my pursuit of Christ it is my desire to see others walking in the freedom that Christ died to give them. That is why I do what I do. That is why I write. That is why I teach. That is why I am so passionate about God’s Word and making it known. Because I know that Jesus Christ sets people free, and I am so thankful for my freedom.
My prayer today as you and I reflect on the sacrifices that many men and women have made, both past and present, is that the eyes of your hearts will be illuminated to the awesome reality of the freedom that is available to you in Jesus Christ and that you would embrace that freedom and walk in it. Men and women have died so that we could have freedom here on this earth. Jesus Christ died to give us eternal freedom that will never fade. I am so thankful for freedom. Are you?
Everything points to Jesus. Thank you Cherie!