“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”
Hebrews 10:24-25
It seems to make perfect sense to me when I read this command to continue on in regular fellowship with other people that love Jesus too. The interesting part of this short passage is that it is assuming that as believers we are already doing this. Why wouldn’t we want to be in community with a group of believers that would encourage us to be more like Christ? Why wouldn’t we make it a priority to allow others into our lives that will lift us up when we’re down and challenge us when we stray from the truth of God’s Word? Fellowship is a gift. It is a blessing. And unfortunately, it is taken for granted. The sad reality is that many Christians go every week, every month, and sometimes years without regular, consistent interaction with other people in the body of Christ. This should not be. Christ never intended for us to do this thing called life alone. Look at His own example that He gave us. He had disciples, a group of His closest friends that He did everything with. He ministered with them, He healed with them, He ate with them, and just hours before His death He prayed with them. Who are you doing life with? Who is it that walks with you as you walk with the Lord? Who are the people in your life that point you towards Christ? And who are those people that you are pointing towards Christ?
One of the many things I love about God’s Word is the commands He gives us to keep us in close relationship with Himself. Without such boundaries and fences, we would all be train wrecks! We fail to see His love for us when we view these boundaries as restrictive, keeping us from experiencing happiness. Every “no” from the Lord is a mercy. Every command in His Word is a grace. Let’s become women who take God at His Word and desire to be obedient in all things.
This message is on my heart because I’m currently very aware of the gift of fellowship in my own life. My husband and I are part of a small group that consists of our best friends. The group started a few years ago now, and over time some couples have come and gone, but the relationships have grown so deep as we’ve chosen to stick with it and stick with each other. We truly view these people as family, and we all have a common understanding that we would do ANYTHING for each other. It’s such a blessing to know that at any given time in the week, I’m being lifted up to the Father by several of my closest girlfriends, and the same is true for my husband with the other men in the group. We have been through some incredible joys together and some deep sorrows. We’ve cried together and laughed until we cried. We’ve hurt together and rejoiced together. At the end of the day, I am a better person because of each of their influences in my life, and I know they would say the same. I also know that our group is experiencing these blessings because the Lord blesses obedience.
I close with these questions and ask that you prayerfully consider them. Are you being obedient in this area? Are you currently a committed part of a body of believers? Are you invested in a small group of believers that “spurs you on toward love and good deeds”? Jump into fellowship! You’ll never turn back.
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