“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork.” Psalm 19:1 ESV
There is something incredible about being amidst God’s creation that stirs a heart of worship within me. Do you know what I mean? Witnessing the majesty of the mountains, the vast expanse of the sky, wild animals in their natural habitat…I can’t help but see God’s glory. I find myself asking again and again, “How can someone see this and not believe?” The expression “God is good” embodies an entirely new meaning when I experience the beauty of His creation.
I had the incredible opportunity to do just that this past week. To celebrate my husband’s 30th birthday, we took an extended road trip with a few of our close friends through California. There is a beauty in and of itself being separated from the pressures of technology, emails, text messaging, and Facebook, which we were. Not a single one of us had an ounce of cell phone service for the first half of our trip, and there was something magnificent about that. I know I’ve been off the radar for a little while, but I’ve been so thrilled to share with you all that we experienced on our trip! We spent several nights camping in Sequoia National Park, hours driving down the coast watching the waves crash against the shore, days hiking mountains and witnessing some of the most incredible sights I’ve seen, and throughout it all I couldn’t help but reflect on God’s glory – His glory that is so evident in His creation, His glory that radiates through each sunrise and illuminates every sunset. Words fail to accurately capture the wonder and awesomeness of our God, so I want to share with you some of the photos we took that will far better express the beauty that we witnessed. Each time I look through these, I have a moment of worship. God IS good, and His good gifts are all around us.
The size of these sequoias took my breath away.
We hiked to this waterfall and stood on rocks in the middle of the pool at its base.
Our view towards the top of one of our hikes. He holds the universe in the palm of His hand.
Me and my love in his favorite setting.
The fog rolling in over the San Fransisco Golden Gate Bridge.
Amazed at God’s handiwork every time I see the ocean and the waves meeting the shore.
The display of His splendor. This is our God.
My favorite blessing.
I agree….one of the greatest blessings of God’s creation that I experience every morning is the chorus of praise of countless birds early in the morning. They start around 4:00-4:15 a.m and go strong until around 5:00 a.m. before tapering off. I’m so thankful that I am an early riser. I also get to see the sunrise and when I go into work early, I see the dawning of the new day over Lake Michigan.
Beautiful pictures by the way!
Awesome song! I felt the same way growing up wituhot my father. But when Jesus came in, he filled that void and I have been at peace ever since. But the truth of the matter is a had a father all along and I didn’t even realize it.
I agree Cherie, how can anyone not believe when they witness His beautiful creation! Great shots of His splendor and you & your love! xox
I completely agree with you! I am amazed by the beauty God created! These pictures are beautiful as well…they look professional 🙂