This past week has been completely consumed with unpacking boxes and moving into our new house. It’s been crazy, exhausting, thrilling, exciting, and so much more and everything in between. I’ve never packed and moved an entire house before. What a chore! BUT, something I hadn’t anticipated in this process was how fun the “UNPACKING” would be.
For over a month, most of our belongings were packed away in a storage container while we were in between our old house and our new one. For over a month, we lived with less than 5% of our stuff. We mastered minimalism! Well, as we were unpacking everything, I have to say that it felt a bit like Christmas morning. I don’t know how many times I exclaimed with joy, “Wow! I forgot we had this!”
One of these prized possessions that I had the joy of unpacking was a Bible study that I had begun back in February of this year. You might also remember that at the end of January of this year, we had our first child. Needless to say, the speed at which I have made my way through this study has been “snail slow” at best. The moment I saw it in one of our book boxes, I grabbed it and placed it right on top of my writing/study desk, determined to jump right back into it. And so I have! The past few days, I’ve been in this study on prayer every day, and I can’t even begin to tell you how much I’ve been blessed by the intentional pursuit of God’s presence through the study of His Word once again.
The part of the study that I’ve been in has had a lot to do with the issue of pride. There it is, that ugly word that is unfortunately present in all of our lives. Pride corrupts. Pride destroys. Pride deceives. Pride hinders us from living the abundant life in Christ that God intends for us to live. Pride robs God of His glory. I could barely read a few sentences of the study before I was humbled and convicted of my own pride. I want to be humble. I want to be rid of pride.
As I studied and journaled through its pages, I was brought to this all-familiar verse.
“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 (ESV)
I’ve read this verse more times than I can count. I’ve taught on this verse. I’ve memorized this verse. However, it struck a new chord with me today. Here is the question that my study posed to me as I spent time reflecting on this verse, and I want you to spend some time doing the same:
“Is my most important consideration in every undertaking whether God could be glorified?”
Gut-wrenching conviction right there. Unfortunately, I had to answer “no” to that question. There is MUCH that I do without considering God’s glory, you know, “the small stuff.” In God’s economy, however, I’m not sure there is “small stuff.” The verse says, “…do ALL to the glory of God.” All means all, and if we’re honest with ourselves, I wonder how much of our own pride would be revealed in our thoughts, speech, actions, and decision-making.
Do we consider God’s glory in all that we do? Do we remember that our primary purpose in this life is to bring Him glory?
Just some food for thought for your Labor Day.
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