I still remember the first time I ever heard the phrase “praying God’s Word”. It fascinated me, and I wanted to know everything I could know about this discipline of prayer. Over the past five years as I’ve practiced the discipline of praying God’s Word, I’ve come to find such incredible power in my times of prayer, not because of anything I’m mustering up on my own but rather through the life-giving, inspired Word of God. When we couple Scripture with our prayers, it’s as if we’re breathing faith. We’re standing upon the Word of God and claiming it to be true over our situations, over our loved ones, over our very lives. I truly believe that God delights in hearing His Word flow from our lips in prayer.
Below is a list of scriptures to pray for your children. I am not a mother, although I do hope to be one day. One thing that I remain incredibly grateful for to this day is the fact that I had a praying mother. She was daily found on her knees lifting her children up in prayer, and I know that it was because of her faithfulness in prayer that God has such an incredible grip on my life. I know that even though her three children are grown, she continues to pray daily for us. There is power in prayer, and prayer changes things. Whether or not you have children of your own, I invite you to join me in praying through the below verses, perhaps for the children of a friend of yours; maybe for a small group that you lead; maybe for the little ones in the nursery at your church. Whoever it is that God may lay on your heart to pray for, pray faithfully for them. If you do have children, I don’t need to tell you the importance of praying for them…you already know. The enemy will continue to do all that he can to steal, kill, and destroy the work you have done to invest God’s love into the lives of your children. Be fervent in prayer over them. Be the one who is faithfully found on her knees in prayer, praying God’s Word back to Him, and begin to see a mighty work unfold in, through, and around your life. Grab your Bible and spend the next 10 minutes praying through these 10 scriptures.
1. John 1:12 – Pray that they receive Jesus as Savior and Lord
2. Deuteronomy 6:5 – Pray that they put God first.
3. Ephesians 4:32 – Pray that they be kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving.
4. Jeremiah 15:16 – Pray that they discover, devour, and delight in God’s Word.
5. Proverbs 13:20 – Pray that they choose friends wisely.
6. Ephesians 6:10-11 – Pray that they stand strong in the face of opposition.
7. Hebrews 13:17 – Pray that they submit to authority.
8. Colossians 3:23-24 – Pray that in whatever they do they work hard for the Lord.
9. Acts 4:20 – Pray that they speak boldly about Jesus and faithfully serve Him.
10. Revelation 2:4-5 – Pray that, if in rebellion, they quickly return to the Lord.
Thank you for such a wonderful blog. I looked up each verse and typed them out. I will be on my knees with them. You my friend are goIng to be a wonderful Mother one day. Hugs and Loves!
Thank you for these verses…as a mother & grandmother there is nothing better than praying for all our love ones. You will be an awesome mom someday! 🙂
Matt and I have desired to have anoehtr child since we were married… we would always pray “Lord give us a child”… then add a small “if it’s your will”, which really meant.. I’m just saying that to make me SOUND like I care, but really — I want a child no matter what you have in store. After 10 miscarriages, a very humbleing experience… our prayer has changed to “We want a child – but if this is not your plan for you to fill this void somehow — then take the desire away”… We can get so caught up in what WE want and forget what GOD wants… knowing that God will never withhold anything good from us (of course forgot the verse, but I WILL find it for you) has reminded me that only HE knows what is good & right for our lives.