Each time I sit down to write, I pray. I ask the Lord not only to inspire my words with His truth, but in addition to that, I ask that He would prepare your heart to hear His Word as you read. I pray for you. I pray that your faith is strengthened each day as you open God’s Word. I pray in faith believing that as you expose yourself to His truth, you are changed. Still, there are times when I’m compelled to write out an entire prayer just for you. Today is one of those times. Today’s post is a prayer for you. Whomever you are, wherever you’re coming from, know that there is a God who loves you, who desires to be near to you, who will fight for you. Know that there is a God who is mighty to save and ready to reveal His steadfast love to you. Draw near to Him today. He is here. He is waiting. I’m praying for you…
“The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” Exodus 14:14 ESV
Heavenly Father,
Just as you spoke through your servant Moses to the people of Israel, you continue to speak to and through us today. I ask that you would speak your life-giving truth into each heart that is reading this prayer. Remind each one that you are their defender and that you will fight for them. When the world comes against them, when they’re weary from fighting back, speak your peace into their hearts. Assure them of your constant presence in their lives and draw them to your side. If you are for us, then who can be against us? We are more than conquerors in you, Christ Jesus. Remind them of this truth today.
Father, I lift up the woman who is feeling beat down, exhausted, and weary. Father, grant her your mercies today, your mercies that meet her new every morning. Help her to find her rest in you and to cease striving. Teach her to be silent and still and to wait on you. You are all that she needs. Satisfy her weary heart.
Lord, I lift up the woman who is feeling condemned and shamed. Remind her of your truth that there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. If she has come to faith in you, your Word promises that her past has been redeemed and forgiven. She has new life in you. Remind her of the forgiveness you have given her. Replace her shame with freedom and break every chain that would hold her back from abundant life in you. Renew her mind.
Father, I lift up the woman who is feeling lonely and forgotten. Sweep her away with your love. Whisper your tenderness, loving kindness, and grace into every last crevice of her soul. Captivate her with your presence. Overwhelm her with your goodness. Teach her to know that her status does not define your character. Fill her with all that you are.
Jesus, I lift up the woman who has been betrayed and rejected. Remind her today that one day you will set all things right because you are just. You are her defender, and you love her with an everlasting love. She has been chosen and adopted by you, and she is yours. You paid a high price for her redemption, and you will never leave her or forsake her. Fight for her, Lord.
You are good, and you are faithful. You have redeemed us from the pit, and we will never be the same. Today, Lord Jesus, help us to be still, to sit back and watch you be You! Grant us the pleasure of watching you fight for us. We wait in expectation for you. We are waiting here for you.
In Jesus’ name
Always Perfect!!