“Boy craziness is really just girl neediness.”
I had only read through page 28 when I came across this little phrase, and it was all I needed to know. My dear friend, Paula Hendricks, has written what I believe to be one of the most important reads for this next generation of women. As she shares pieces of her own journey through “boy craziness”, more importantly she shares the truth of God’s Word that ushered her from neediness to freedom.
In “Confessions…”, Paula not only opens up her heart to her readers, but she also invites you into the long-kept secrets that filled the pages of her journals and unfolds for you how she found freedom in Christ from the trap of seeking a guy’s approval. In this lust-sick world that we live in, I believe that women, young and old alike, have been tricked into thinking that life begins with the attention, affection, and approval of a guy. We continue to sell ourselves short of all that God intended us to become, we put off the greater things He is calling us to, and we sacrifice bits and pieces of our hearts along the way in pursuit of a man, when all the while Jesus beckons us to Himself. There is no greater love, but we have exhausted ourselves in the search for it.
I had the privilege of attending Moody Bible Institute with Paula, and we shared the joy of being mentored by the same godly woman. I can only imagine our conversations with her mirrored one another’s, as I too was desperately “boy-crazy.” There were moments while reading this book, that I had to stop and message Paula, asking if she had somehow found my own journals, because in many ways, she was telling my story. I would imagine she tells yours, too. Although Paula’s target audience would more than likely be young girls, believe me when I tell you that this 31 year-old, married woman was a student in the classroom again when I poured over these pages this past weekend. Paula filled this book not only with the lessons she has learned on her journey, but more so with God’s everlasting, eternal Word. These pages are filled with Scripture, truth, and conviction, a combination that we all could benefit from.
I encourage you to pick up a copy for yourself, your daughter, your niece, your high school small group leader, your single friend and the married woman alike who wrestle with their own insecurities. Our sex-driven, approval-seeking society has fed our daughters these lies for far too long. It’s time we claim them back. Don’t miss out on this blessing of a read!
Andrea Rodriguez says
This book sounds amazing. I want to read this!!!
Bobbie Church-Peck says
I am looking forward to reading this book and sharing it. 🙂
Cassandra says
This book would be a great resource for my junior high students. We are currently in a Love Life series and after hearing some of the girls’ comments, they are believing the incredibly awful lies the enemy is telling them!
Robin Thieme says
I am so excited to read this! I’m even more excited to pass it along to my nieces an youth students I work with!!
Jess says
Putting this book on my reading list right now! This will be a great tool for me to help my sweet maddi to grow up loving Jesus instead of our crazy lust driven culture.