Life-giving: Words that have become so meaningful to me over the past few years.
Last week, I was given a gift that no money in the world could every buy—time spent with some life-giving people. Of course, money was spent. What else happens when eight best friends get together? This past week was also filled a painful reality—Life is so much harder than I could have ever imagined it would be.
As I sat with some girls that have become family to me over the years, as we caught up and shared both our joys and sorrows, as we wept and laughed together, as we worshiped together through our tears, something became so clear to me.
Surrounding yourself with life-giving people will always produce within you the ability to be life-giving to others. Likewise, being a life-giving person invites life-giving people into your life.
I sat in my own sorrows and tears this past week, but I didn’t sit alone. I was surrounded by women, by friends, by fellow sojourners who have been in the same trenches in which I now find myself, and even from their own places of hurt and longing, they loved me well just exactly where I was at.
“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18
I saw this promise tangibly unfold this past week. The Lord often draws near and reveals Himself through His people. My girls happened to be the vessels through which He flowed.
“The lions may grow weak and hungry,
but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.” Psalm 34:10
The gift of presence this past week served as a timely reminder to me of this promise. In Christ, I lack nothing good. Sure, I’ve grown weary, and my soul has hungered for so much more, but God has never for one moment ceased to be faithful toward me.
I walked away from four days spent with some of my dearest friends with a new, steadfast conviction: Give life whenever and wherever I can. Be life to anyone and everyone I encounter. Breathe life with every word I speak and in each conversation I find myself. Bring life to places and people in need of resurrection.
Because I was in need of some resurrection. Because I was in need of new life. Because I was in need of an encounter with Jesus. And that’s exactly what I got. Friends, if your story is anything like the eight of ours, I imagine there are countless things striving to pull your affections away from Jesus right now. In the face of the war that is being waged for your joy, choose to be life-giving today. You have no idea the eternal impact you might make on one weary, hungry sojourner like me.
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