“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Romans 8:1
This is a truth that I am certain MANY need to hear today. I have had countless conversations and dialogue, even recently, with people who remain in the place of condemnation from their past sins after they have come to Christ Jesus in faith. Far too many professing and believing Christians live their lives in defeat because they continue to believe the accusations of the enemy.
“You are what you did.” LIE!
“You will never be free from your sordid past.” LIE!
“Your past mistakes define you.” LIE!
“You are worthless and will never amount to anything.” LIE!
“God could never forgive you of THAT sin.” LIE!
Lies. Accusations. Condemnation.
Church, we must rise up and start to embrace the truth of God’s Word if we ever want to experience freedom in Christ. We must begin to distinguish truth from lies. Did you know that our enemy, Satan, is given two specific descriptions in Scripture?
1. He is the Father of Lies. (John 8:44)
2. He is the accuser of the brethren. (Revelation 12:10)
Therefore, whenever Satan speaks, he lies. He is constantly accusing us and seeking to condemn us by reminding us of our pasts. He is a liar. There is no truth in him. If you are in Christ, you have been redeemed from the pit of sin, forgiven completely, washed clean, and have been made new. Your past no longer defines you because Christ’s sacrifice has now covered you. You are a new creation. The old has gone, and the new has come. Therefore, every time you feel guilt and shame over past failures that have already been confessed and repented of, you can be certain that our enemy is the author of those feelings of condemnation.
That is why it is crucial that we know and understand God’s Word. We must replace the lies that we have believed for so long with the one and only truth – the Word of God. But how can we make this exchange if we don’t know His Word? Time spent pouring over Scripture, whether for five minutes or an hour, is time that is never spent in vain. God’s Word sheds light on the darkness and illuminates our hearts and minds. We must expose ourselves to it regularly in order to recognize the enemy’s lies.
Although I don’t know many of you personally that will read this blog post, I am always in constant prayer over those whose eyes would fall on these words. I am praying for you today to have faith to believe that you are who God says you are and to no longer believe the condemnation that the enemy has poured out on your life, thus keeping you enslaved. God wants to set you free. Know His Word, friends. Cling to it, and replace the lies with the truth. In Christ, you stand pardoned, free, righteous, and forgiven. Walk in it.
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