“…far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.” Ephesians 1:21
After 168 words (Ephesians 1:15-21), Paul finally finishes his sentence. Don’t get me wrong, I was in no rush for him to finish. Each phrase has been jam packed with rich truth, but let’s just say that his run-on sentences would never make it onto Twitter with its 140 character (not word) limit. The reality is that Paul had much to say to this group of believers that he loved, and he had one letter in which to say it. So, he holds nothing back, but he also doesn’t waste a single word.
Just this morning, I found myself in a conversation about the importance of words and the necessity of the lack thereof at times. You and I could perhaps learn much from Paul in this: don’t waste your words, but make sure that the “much” that you have to say benefits those who hear it. Every word that was penned by Paul’s hand in this letter to the church in Ephesus was purposeful, helpful, and full of truth. Allow this to be a lesson learned for us today.
Ephesians 1:21 is the first of three verses that will speak of Christ’s position and authority. In the event that they had forgotten the deity or divinity of Jesus Christ, Paul reminds them here in this verse. The severe persecution of the first Christians had already begun, and Paul was a first-hand witness to that, being that he wrote this letter from prison, while in chains. Not only was persecution a threat to this group of believers but so was false teaching. Even some of the Jews of this time had rejected Jesus Christ as the promised Messiah, so Paul reinforces the truth of WHO Christ is.
Take a moment and look up Matthew 28:18, Philippians 2:9, and Colossians 1:16. What do these three verses tell us about Jesus?
Jesus Christ was not merely a good man, not only a prophet, not simply one of the heavenly hosts, and not even just the Son of God. Jesus Christ IS God. Therefore, His seat is in equal position to that of the Father, at His right hand. Therefore, He remains ABOVE all rule and authority, both here on earth and in the heavenly realms. There is none greater, none stronger, none more powerful, none like Him. And His name…
His name is above all other names. There was, isn’t, nor will there ever be a name greater than Jesus. At the sound of His name, the enemy flees. At the sound of His name, the lost are saved. At the sound of His name, the prisoner is set free. At the sound of His name, every fear is displaced. At the sound of His name, the hopeless find hope. This is our God. And our God is greater.
Jesus is greater than your circumstance.
Jesus is greater than your fear.
Jesus is greater than your heartache.
Jesus is greater than your disease.
Jesus is greater than your doubt.
There is none greater than our God. Many poor substitutes have tried to dethrone our God, but know this:
They never will. Because there is none greater than our God.
Debbie Bradshaw says
Yes indeed! Jesus….name above all names….beautiful Savior…..glorious Lord…..Emanuel…..God is with us,,,,,,blessed Redeemer…..living Word……just the mention of His Name brings me right in His Presence…..it’s a wonderful thing, isn’t it? Love you, honey!