“The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of His unfailing love.” Psalm 33:5 NIV
Whenever the Bible speaks of something that God loves, my ears perk up. If God took the time to tell me that He cares so much about something that He deemed it necessary to make it into the pages of His Word, I should care about it as well. So, here we see God tell us that He loves righteousness AND justice. I think we all assume that He loves righteousness. He IS righteous. He is holy. He is good. But justice? That seems to be harder for us to wrap our minds around, especially living in a world that reeks of injustice. There are more slaves in our world today than existed during the Civil War. Where is His justice now? We would be lying to say that we’ve never wondered about this. Why does God allow suffering? Why do evil people seem to succeed in their efforts while injustice prevails?
Every time I’ve found myself wrestling with these very questions, I’ve had to learn to default to what God has to say about Himself in His Word. He says He loves justice and that He is a God of justice, therefore I can be certain that one day, He will set all things right. Evil men might appear to be prospering in their ways….today. But I’m reminded in Psalm 37:1-7 (take a moment to read these few verses, seriously, it will only take a minute) that their future has already been determined by the Lord; their destruction is only a matter of time. And maybe, just maybe, while we wait to see the fulfillment of this promise and while we trust in God during rampant injustice, perhaps we are to participate in the fight against injustice. Because God Himself is passionate about justice, perhaps you and I should be as well. Are we spending ourselves to bring justice to those who are enslaved? Jesus did. He gave His very life to set us free. If we are going to call ourselves Christians, we must begin to align ourselves with the things that the heart of God beats for.
Take a moment right now to pray and ask God how you can invest your life in the cause to bring justice to a world that desperately needs freedom.
There are so many good causes and ministries that we can ask God to lead us to and how He wants us to engage in this cause. Some are called to go and others are called to send. Living out our faith and sharing Jesus is a way of enlarging the Kingdom and helping people see there is a live better than the sinful one that enslaves them.