“Yet, this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD’S great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:21-23
In the midst of great loss, tragedy, and heartache, the writer of Lamentations chooses to call to mind God’s faithfulness; a choice that no doubt gave him the hope he needed to make it through another day.
I can only imagine the difficulty that you may be facing today…job loss, financial strain, loss of loved ones, depression, anxiety, fall out in relationships, and the list goes on. Life is hard. Whatever turmoil you find yourself in today, in this moment I encourage you to be reminded of God’s faithfulness.
His faithfulness that never ends.
His faithfulness that is extended to you new this morning.
His faithfulness that is all you need.
So, today I offer a prayer for you. I cry out to the LORD on your behalf. May you rest in His faithfulness towards you today. You are so loved.
Heavenly Father,
If it were not for your Word, we would be lost. We would be without hope. You’ve given us your Word to encourage, challenge, renew, and restore us. Today I pray that each one reading this would run to your Word in pursuit of your heart, knowing that the satisfaction she is longing for can be found nowhere else. I ask for a fresh waive of your mercies to fall down onto her heart and into her situation. Come down and meet with her, Jesus. Remind her that because you remain by her side, she will not be consumed by this trial. Remind her that in this moment, you are extending towards her the mercy that she so desperately needs. Give her faith enough to reach out and grasp onto your hand. Increase her capacity to trust you in this difficulty. As she walks through each moment of her day may these words be on her lips: “Great is your faithfulness, Lord!” Teach her that to be found in your presence is the safest place for her to be. Show her the kindness that can only come from your hand. Shelter her today in the shadow of your wings. Renew her joy, and may she learn to take great delight in who you are today. There is nothing that is too difficult for you, nothing that is impossible for you. Remind her of this truth today. Your compassions NEVER fail. In this, we find our hope. In this, we find our rest.
In Jesus’ name,
Debra Ann Bradshaw says
mmmm…I posted a comment but it must have been lost in cyber space…still trying to understand this computer stuff. just got home from grandma's and wanted to thank you for this post and especially the prayer. It has been a little tough lately and I really felt the Lord's presence after reading this. Can't wait to see you.