“For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight.” Ephesians 1:4
Have you ever felt passed by, forgotten, overlooked? I imagine we all have at one time or another. Every time of not being chosen seems to engrave on our hearts “rejection”, “worthless”, “no good.” These words are heavy weights that strip us and leave us hurting and wanting.
But then, there is this Jesus. Before the world came to be, He chose you. He chose me. He selected you. He selected me. And it is upon this truth that we must begin building our identity.
Many of us have allowed our own mistakes or the mistakes of others define who we are. No longer! To be chosen signifies a value that is worth mentioning. It’s not that there was ever any inherent value within us; rather it is the fact that the One who chose us holds great value. Our value rests in to whom we belong. God chose us, therefore we are His. Because we are His, we are not worthless. We are not the mistakes of our past. We are not our insecurities. We belong to Him; therefore, He defines who we are.
I wonder if there are some of you today who have carried around the heavy weight of rejection for so long that you no longer know where you end and it begins. It has engulfed you. It has affected nearly every part of your life. Even if someone were to try to love you, you wouldn’t allow them to because the past rejection you’ve endured has taught you to build your walls high and deep. No one is getting in.
Hear this today, friend. When all the world turns their back on you, Jesus never will. When man betrays you, Jesus never will. When people use, abuse, and discard you, remember: Jesus never will. When at every turn you find rejection, Jesus chooses you.
I pray that today is the day that you let down your guard and let Christ in. He has already chosen you. He has already extended His hand of grace to you. Reach back and take His hand. Your identity is found in Him. You are chosen.
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