I had a very interesting conversation with a friend of mine on Monday night at Bible study. We were talking about how difficult it can seem at times to find even 5 minutes of solitude to spend with the Lord without distraction. Sometimes, time is found, but it’s full of distraction, leaving us feeling as if the time were not “meaningful.” I couldn’t help but begin to think about all of the “distractions” in my life that seem to keep me from time at His feet.
My tendency is to blame each “distraction”, as if I have no control over how focused my mind can be if I determine it to be focused. This got me thinking even further. How incredibly easy it has become for me to tune out the world around me when I’m browsing through my social media feeds…how I can mindlessly spend an hour at the close of my day catching up on everything that occurred on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, wide-eyed and alert, but how quickly I can find myself “nodding off” when trying to close my day in the Word or prayer.
“You shall have no other gods before me.” Exodus 20:3
The conviction hit home and hit hard this week. When my phone and every app that it boasts is where I run to first when I open my eyes each morning…when I can’t seem to fall asleep at night until I spend time filling my brain with all the details of everyone else’s days through my social media feeds…my idol has been revealed. As silly as it might sound, our high tech smart phones can be just as much of an idol as the golden calf was to the nation of Israel. Anything that comes before God or between Him and ourselves serves as an idol in our lives. Anything we look to for fulfillment or satisfaction before Him…idol. Anything that we love more than Him…idol. Anything that we can’t live without other than Him…idol.
As I reflected on this short verse this week and thought about the ways I’d love to be closer to God, this was revealed. The idol is in my hands – my security blanket, my go to, my source of joy, my addiction…my cell phone. I don’t know what it is for you, but NOTHING is worth coming between you and God. NOTHING. What or whom robs much of your attention, focus, and energy? What or whom do you run to first thing in the morning? What or whom do you find fills most or all of your down time? Purpose to prioritize God this week above whatever that thing or person is. God will be honored, and I assure you, you will be blessed.
Great post Cherie! I too have totally recognized the amount of time and energy I have spent on my phone or ipad that could instead be spent with The Lord or frankly even with my husband and children which are the first ministry He has given me, so I appreciate the reminder that we must guard our time carefully.
What a great message, Cherie! This hit home for me and I’m sure, for many others. We’ve become a society where we’ve become addicted (or nearly addicted to) our technology & social media. My prayer is that my focus be clearly on God and His message to me and that no mental distraction come between us. Thank you for your insightful messages!