“Which is easier: to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up, take your mat and walk’? But that you many know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins…” He said to the paralytic, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” Mark 2:9-11
We’re continuing on our own version of the VBS (Vacation Bible School) journey today, and I’m so glad that you’re back. This week has been such an incredible experience for me! To witness first hand over 1000 kids singing their hearts out in worship to Jesus is just something else! It near moves me to tears to see their beautiful faith displayed. I so wish each one of you could be in that room with me each night to witness it for yourselves, but take my word for it, God is doing an awesome thing in those little hearts, and I’m beyond blessed to be a part of it!
Tonight, I’ll be teaching the kids this important truth: Jesus Heals You. Join me on the pages of Scripture as we dive in together. The gospel of Mark tells the story well. We meet Jesus here in the city of Capernaum, and a very large crowd has gathered to hear His teaching. Jesus has grown increasingly popular, and wherever He goes, a large crowd always seems to find Him. This time was no different. Among the many people that are pushing their way in to see Jesus and to hear Him speak is one man. Scripture does not tell us this man’s name, but we are given a very important detail about his life. He is paralyzed, and probably has been for the majority of if not his entire life. In spite of this demeaning and humbling mark that he bears, the man seems to have some very good friends, friends that are willing to carry Him on his mat to get him to Jesus. They know that if they can just get this man to Jesus that he can finally be healed of his ailment, a limitation that no doubt has kept him in poverty much of his life.
The man’s friends, however, were met with a roadblock. There were just too many people who had crowed into the house where Jesus was teaching, and they couldn’t get in. Instead of calling it quits, they made their way up to the roof, removed a few of the roof tiles, and lowered their friend down right in front of Jesus’ feet. Now that, my friends, is dedication and determination at its finest. How many of us could say that we would go to such extremes to bring our friends to Jesus?
Scripture tells us that Jesus was moved by their faith, so moved that He looked down at the paralytic and forgave him of his sins! That’s power right there. Neither you nor I have the kind of power or authority to forgive anyone’s sins, but Jesus does, and He freely forgives anyone who requests His forgiveness. The story would be more than complete if we stopped right there. We will never find a greater gift than the forgiveness of our sins. But, the story goes on. Among the crowd of eager seekers, we find the Pharisees. This particular group of men are outraged that Jesus would have the nerve to publicly announce the forgiveness of one’s sins. Who was He to forgive sin? Jesus, knowing their thoughts, responded to them by asking which would be more difficult: to forgive sin or to heal the paralyzed man. This is where Jesus just thrills me! To display His power in heaven and on earth, to prove His authority, to show every single person in that room who He was and what He could do, He heals the paralyzed man. Just like that! He tells him to stand up and go home! Can you imagine the thrill that raced through every heart present when they witnessed that? Not only did Jesus proclaim this man spiritually healed, but He physically healed him as well.
Friends, today you and I just might need this simple reminder that Jesus alone is able to heal not only our bodies but also our hearts. Sin sickens us, but Christ heals us. He is more than able to free us from any and every ailment, but more importantly than that, He has the power to set us free from the chains of sin that once enslaved us. Only in Christ can we be truly free. Only by His blood can we know true healing. He is our Healer.
Amen!! and Amen!!!