“He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, ‘Quiet! Be still!’ Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.” Mark 4:39
If you’re just joining me today, this week’s blog posts are focused in on my teaching at VBS (Vacation Bible School) at Central Christian Church. Throughout this week, a few thousand kids on our four different campuses will experience the love of Jesus Christ through the teaching of the truth in God’s Word. It’s been incredible so far, and it’s only Tuesday! Although we’ve simplified the teaching to reach these kids on their level, we as adults are in need of these basic truths as well. So, here we go for Day 2!
Perhaps you’ve heard the story before told in the gospel of Mark, “Jesus Calms the Storm”. Let’s just do a quick review. Jesus has just recently chosen his disciples, the group of men that will be his closest companions throughout His earthly ministry, and they have already witnessed His incredible teaching to numerous crowds. No doubt, they are somewhat mesmerized by Him as so many others are at this point. We begin the story with Jesus and His disciples getting on a boat to cross over the lake to the other side. When they are about half way across, a fierce storm suddenly strikes, threatening to sink their boat and take their lives. Although some of these disciples were fishermen by trade and no doubt very familiar with such extreme weather, the passage tells us that they were terrified. Needless to say, this must have been a fierce storm. While they are fighting for their lives on deck, Jesus is sound asleep in the bottom of the boat. Let’s pause right there and think about this. Say you are one of those disciples. You’ve just left your job, your family, your home, basically everything to follow this Jesus, and now you find yourself in the midst of a storm that is threatening to end your life, and your fearless leader is fast asleep. Naturally, the disciples in their panic and fear quickly wake Jesus, asking whether or not He cares if they drown.
This is where the story gets thrilling, if it wasn’t already. The Bible tells us that Jesus gets up and simply says to the storm, “Quiet! Be Still!” And immediately, the wind and the waves die down. Can you imagine?!?! I honestly don’t even know what I would do had I witnessed that miracle first hand. By the sound of His voice, the wind and the waves cease.
Numerous times throughout Scripture, we are given ample reason to trust Jesus. He proves Himself faithful time and time again. He provides in time of need. He comforts in time of sorrow. He heals in time of sickness. And yet, we are so forgetful. We forget all the marvelous things He has done in the past, and we find ourselves struggling to believe that he will meet us in our present. Perhaps we need a fresh reminder today that we CAN trust and follow His lead. The Bible tells us that God does not lead us into temptation. We do that on our own. Rather, Psalm 23 boasts that He leads us in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. More than any other person on the face of this earth, we can trust the leadership of Jesus. Storms will come, fierce ones at times, but we can trust in the one who will not lead us astray. Jesus leads you. Choose to follow Him today.
I’d like to leave you today with the lyrics of a timeless hymn. Read and be blessed by the God who remains in control even in the storm.
Be still my soul
The Lord is on your side
Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain
Leave to thy God to order and provide
In every change He faithful will remain
Be still my soul
Thy best, thy heavenly friend
Through stormy ways leads to a joyful end
Oh, be still my soul
The waves and winds still know
His voice who ruled them while He dwelt below
Just a glimpse of the kids filling the room with their songs of worship to Jesus!
Denise says
Cherie, this is a beautiful lesson. Tears came to my eyes thinking about how powerful our God is!!! Too often we forget so it is important for us to read the Gospels often to remind us of the powerful Love of Jesus! Praying for the lives God will touch through you this week.