“And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.” And Mary said to the angel, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?””
Luke 1:31-34 ESV
I’m not sure if you’ve ever said anything like this, but these words have often come out of my mouth: “When I get to Heaven, first stop: Jesus. Then, I can’t wait to meet _________.”
If I’m honest, I’ve filled in that blank with many different Bible characters, but Mary has always been towards the top of that list. So many questions fill my mind as I think about all that I’d want to talk about with her! Perhaps the most pressing question of all, though, would simply be, “How?”
“How did you only ask one question of the angel?”
“How did you believe?”
“How did you trust that God would work it all out?”
“How did you say ‘yes’?”
Scripture doesn’t give us that insight into her thoughts, but my guess is that she probably wrestled with doubt and unbelief just like we would. BUT, she still said yes.
As difficult as faith can be, faith remains a choice. You and I both today can choose faith over our fears. We can choose to be led by faith instead of our feelings.
As you read through these verses today, be honest with the Lord and with yourself. What is He asking you to say “yes” to? How have you put that “yes” on hold because of fear, doubt, or insecurity? In what way can you step out in faith today and say “yes” to the Lord?
Jesus, thank you for entering our humanity as a humble babe. Thank you for being our example of what it looks like to say “yes” to God. Help us today to trust you and to have faith to believe that all things are possible in you.
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