A few months ago, I posted a prayer blog entitled Hindrances to Prayer. Today, I wanted to post a follow-up to those hindrances that we face in our prayer life. If you didn’t get a chance to read it before, take a few minutes to read it now, and then we’ll get started…
Matthew 26 unfolds an incredible scene with Jesus and his disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane. We see Jesus found on His knees in prayer to the Father, pleading with God to remove “the cup” of the cross that He was about to face. Literally, this intimate time of prayer occurred on the night of Jesus’ betrayal. Jesus knew the death that He was facing, and He knew that He needed time in prayer with the Father. Meanwhile, we see that despite Jesus’ plea for the disciples to stay alert and “watch with Him”, they quickly fell asleep. Watch the scene unfold in verses 36-46. Go ahead, and read it now.
You’ll notice that Jesus was specific, and He was intentional in His prayer. As our perfect example in all things, He shows us here how to pray. As I mentioned in the blog post on Hindrances to Prayer, we all struggle in many different ways in regards to prayer. Below, I’ve listed five specific keys to overcoming those 10 hindrances. Using Matthew 26 and Jesus’ very own example, these are practical steps of application that we would do well to apply in our individual prayer lives. As we seek to become women who are found on our knees at the feet of Jesus, let’s start by following His lead.
5 Keys to Overcoming Hindrances – Matthew 26
1. Distance yourself from others – verse 39
2. Fall on your face before God – verse 39 (position of humility and surrender)
3. Pour out your heart to God – verse 39
4. Repeat step 3 at least 3 times – verses 39, 42, 44
5. Respond in obedience to what God says – verses 45-46
Cherie, I love, love, love how you always point us to Jesus and show us His example!! We too often miss the simple and obvious, reading the words but not recognizing His perfect teaching by example. Thank you!!