“Now without faith it is impossible to please God, since the one who draws near to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6 CSB
Ever felt the weight of impossibility? It’s heavy. It’s overwhelming. Our thoughts of “impossibility” can often sound like this:
I’ll never get out of debt. It’s impossible. My marriage will never thrive. It’s impossible. I’ll never be free of this addiction. It’s impossible. I’ll never achieve my fitness goals. It’s impossible.
Impossibility is an awful place to dwell. It feels hopeless, restless, and ever so burdensome. Perhaps that’s why I love Hebrews 11:6, though. We find the word “impossible” in it, but it comes with an antidote:
Faith—the opposite of unbelief.
Every time someone asks me what I do (which is often), it always generates some kind of response. I teach the Bible. I study God’s Word, and I write Bible studies to help others get in the Word for themselves. The responses I get range from, “Oh, I’m not really religious” (to which I always respond, “Good! Neither am I.”) to “I believe in God, too!” and everything in between. And I think that’s where I want to land this week in our Praying God’s Word series…
Believing IN God is a world apart from Believing God.
Hebrews 11:6 tells us that we cannot please God (it’s impossible) if we do not have faith in Him. Faith is believing God. Faith is taking Him at His Word and believing that every word in His Word is true. Faith is trusting Him when we cannot see. James 2:19 says, “You believe that God is one. Good! Even the demons believe—and they shudder.” Even the demons believe in God (that He exists), but they have not put their faith in Him.
It’s time we move from just believing IN God to believing God—taking Him at His Word, staking our very lives on it. This is the critical and essential step towards our freedom from the stronghold of unbelief. This is what we are after! You and I can choose today to believe that God actually is who He says He is—Healer, Provider, Faithful, and Good, just to name a few. We can choose to believe today that God can do what He says He can do—Rescue, Restore, Redeem, Forgive, and make all things new. And when we live our lives from this posture of belief, the enemy loses his grip on us. That’s enough reason for me!
If you’re human like me and struggle from time to time to hold fast to unwavering faith in the midst of wavering circumstances, be honest in your prayers to God, asking Him to help you overcome your unbelief just like the boy’s father did in Mark 9:24. Prayer coupled with the Word of God has divine POWER to destroy the stronghold of unbelief. So, let’s get to our knees.
Below are a few Scripture prayers taken from Beth Moore’s book Praying God’s Word from the chapter Overcoming Unbelief. I would encourage you to pray these words out loud. Proclaim these truths over your own unbelief, and let’s start watching some chains being broken in Jesus’ name!
Father God, Your Word declares that we, Your people, are Your witnesses and Your servants whom You have chosen, that we may know and believe You and understand that You are He. Before You no god was formed, nor will there be one after You. (Isaiah 43:10) You have chosen me, God, for the express purpose of knowing and believing You. I can’t really begin to know You until I choose to believe You. Make me a person of belief, Lord.
Christ Jesus, You said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” (John 20:27) Lord, I cannot see Your visible hands, but if I’m willing to really look, I can see the visible evidences of Your invisible hands. Help me to stop doubting and believe!
O God, how I thank You that a lack of faith will never nullify Your faithfulness. (Romans 3:3) If I am faithless, You will remain faithful, for You cannot disown Yourself. (2 Timothy 2:13)
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