“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:18-19
If there is one thing I have learned about the character of God as I have studied His Word it is that He makes promises to His children, and He keeps His promises. As I look back over the years of my life, it becomes increasingly easy for me to see how, when, and where God has been faithful to keep His promises. Although I have gone through numerous seasons of pain, trial, and hardship, He has never once forsaken me, just as He said He never would. As I reflect on the times of need in my life, I can see so clearly how He was my Provider. When I remember the times that my heart was breaking as I grieved the loss of loved ones, the LORD drew near to me when I could do nothing but weep against His chest. He held me in His arms, and He comforted me with His Spirit.
There are an incredible amount of promises in God’s Word, so many so that our faith should be sparked to life by just the knowledge of it. Today, I want to simply focus on one found in the treasure of Isaiah 43:18-19. Grab your Bible, grab your journal and a pen, and let’s dive in together, shall we? I like to underline portions of Scripture that God uses to propel my faith forward. As I flip through the pages of my Bible, the underlined portions serve as a reminder to me of where Jesus and I have been together. Perhaps you like to do the same. In my Bible, next to these two verses, I have written “Arizona”. Maybe because the verses reference wilderness and desert, I felt so inclined to remind myself of my physical environment. There is a deeper meaning though to be grasped. These two short verses begin with a command: “Forget the past, stop dwelling on it!” Of course, that is my paraphrase, but how important to grasp this here. We far too often get stuck in a rut of what once was. Whether we look back longingly, wishing we were where we once were, or we reflect back regretfully, filled with shame and guilt. Neither is the response that God would want from us. Because of His amazing grace, He’s forgiven and forgotten our pasts. Why can’t we move on from them and settle into the riches of His mercy and grace? Because we are human, because we are weak and frail, we need constant reminders from His Word. So, we now find ourselves at verse 19 – He is at work right now in your life, and He is doing a new thing! Whether you find yourself in the pasture of His blessing or in the wilderness right now, He makes us a significant promise in this verse. He will make a way, and He’ll provide rivers in the desert to satisfy our parched souls. Today, right now, wherever you are, choose to fall back on the promises of God. Default to faith in His Word rather than doubt. He makes promises, and He is faithful to keep them.
I’d like to invite you to respond right now to the Lord. Spend some time reflecting on the truth in His Word. Grab your prayer journal, and let’s go deeper with Him.
1. What is one of your favorite promises in the Bible? Find the verse, write it in your journal, and commit it to memory this week. Then journal a response of praise to God for making that promise to you.
2. Do you ever find yourself doubting the promises of God? Be honest with yourself and with the Lord. He knows already anyway. Doubt is an enemy of faith. Journal a confession to the Lord of any area in your life that you have doubted Him, and ask Him to increase your faith to believe that He will do what He says He will do.
3. Read through Isaiah 43 in its entirety, and list every promise you come across in this chapter. Finish with a prayer of thanksgiving for all that God has promised.
i love all of your posts cherie, especially this one! i feel like all of them are things that i go through. thank you for your encouragement!
So love that God is encouraging you through His Word through Neue Thing! Thanks for reading, Molly! Can’t wait to see you next Monday!
The promises of God are so AMAZING! It’s so great to see in my life the ones He’s fulfilled and to look forward to the ones He will fulfill in the future. I cling to those promises!
Perfect timing Cherie!! I so needed reminding of this beautiful truth especially in light of experiencing some disappointments and hurts the last few weeks. And thanks for the encouragement to respond in a tangible way to Him…sometimes I need 1,2,3’s to get me rolling! ; ) As always so grateful for the spiritual sustenance you always provide in person and in your blog! : )