It never ceases to amaze me how God orchestrates things that you could never plan even if you tried. I would have to say that this past week has been just that, again and again and again. Conversations, get togethers, reunions, moments of silence and solitude…God showed up in all of it, and I stand amazed in His presence. I’m brought back to a place of humility, gratitude, and unwavering faith in the God who rules over my plans.
Part of this whirlwind of encountering the divine this past week was somewhat forced upon me. After three cancelled flights, two rental cars, a long and unexpected road trip, extra days with my family in the city that I love but without enough outfits to accommodate my extended stay, and now the return flight home, at some point in all of that you throw your hands up in surrender to the One who is controlling it all. Sometimes, it’s a fight. Other times, we’re more willing. Truth be told, I was a bit of both this past week. I had some ugly cries and some laughter that almost mad me cry.
My point? God is always at work. He’s always near. He’s always speaking. Even when our plans fizzle and fade, He is moving. Are our eyes open to see His activity? Are we listening for His voice? If not, we’re going to miss some of the greatest things that He has for us. Because He so often shows up in the unexpected. While we’re caught up in “the urgent”, like checking our notifications on Twitter and Instagram or responding to one more email, we miss the opportunity to hold open the door for the mom of three little ones under five who is battling to maintain sanity. We miss out on the conversation with the stranger sitting next to us on the plane. We miss the encouraging word that God is trying to speak to our hearts through the words of someone who we happen to bump into at church.
God so often shows up in the unexpected.
Therefore, I’ve learned to live expectant.
I’ve learned to wake up each morning expecting Jesus. Expecting Him to answer my prayers. Expecting Him to give me words to say in the moments of need. Expecting to experience His presence. Expecting to see Him at work in the world around me. Expecting Him to show up every time I open up His Word.
Have we stopped living expectantly?
“Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore He will rise up to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him!” Isaiah 30:18
Corrie says
You have no idea the perfection of timing this came. Thank you so much.
Susan Gilbert says
Wow! What a timely message. Today especially, I pause to ask God to show up today in the unexpected challenges I’m facing. We’re dealing with inside water damage again from a formerly repaired roof. Then, just this morning, water coming out of a fitting on a new water heater (professionally) installed just months ago, causing damage to our drywall. Now, waiting as patiently as possible for a repair opening appt while having no water to our home… Praise God, we were home to shut off water to our home.
In the midst of these unexpecteds, I just want to call out (in all honesty…scream)
“really, really, 2 things right now??!” Thankfully I had already spent quiet time with God reading several timely devotionals, praying & asking Him to fill me with His presence, which now is to remain calm & trust that He is in control & everything will work out.
I’m in awe of how His messages are so timely! Thank you, Cherie, for this message.