Welcome back to our 31 days in Proverbs…well, 32 if you count the introduction from yesterday. I’m only one chapter into this rich book of wisdom, and I’m loving it more than I can tell you. I’ve read Proverbs 1 about 100 times, but today, God spoke a new word to me, and I’m so thrilled to share it with each of you.
Are you ready?
Wise living requires a posture of humility towards God’s authority.
If you and I want to be wise, it starts with a fear of the Lord (yesterday’s post). If that sounds absurd to you, remember that the Bible tells us that the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God. What does that mean? Even the wisest of the wise and the smartest of the smart will always pale in comparison to the wisdom of God. His ways will always be better, always be fruitful, and always result in blessing for those who choose to follow.
So, back to humility. The year 2016 was a full 12 months of me being humbled, again and again and again. Motherhood will do that to you. And if this wasn’t a wake up call to me of my pride, I’m not sure what ever could be! The girl who thought she had much of life figured out realized FAST that she had a grasp on very little. The girl who thought she could do everything realized that her capacity was much less than she had arrogantly assumed. I needed Jesus more desperately and more fully than I had ever realized before in my life. Humility. I couldn’t get through an hour without His presence and peace. Humility. I had no strength left of my own and found myself wholeheartedly leaning in to Him. Humility.
To assume a posture of humility towards God’s authority requires an accurate understanding of who God is and who we are not. It is self-awareness in its truest form. Far different than self-loathing or lack of self-esteem, it’s much more about knowing who God says He is and also embracing who God says you are. This is essential if you and I are to walk in wisdom. If we are to live wisely, we must possess this understanding.
God is God. I am not. He, therefore, reserves the right to be in control. Of all things.
How are you doing with this, today? Does submitting to God’s authority in your life sounds like an impossible feat? When is the last time you assumed a posture of humility towards God? When is the last time you refused to? And how did that go for you?
As we wrap up our words of wisdom from Proverbs for today, spend a few minutes meditating on these verses from chapter 1 below. How will you respond today? Because…
Wise living requires a posture of humility towards God’s authority.
“Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge,
but fools despise wisdom and discipline.” Proverbs 1:7 NLT
“Come and listen to my counsel.
I’ll share my heart with you
and make you wise.” Proverbs 1:23 NLT
“For simpletons turn away from me—to death.
Fools are destroyed by their own complacency.
But all who listen to me will live in peace,
untroubled by fear of harm.” Proverbs 1:32-33 NLT
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