“May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” Romans 15:5-7
Unify Phx.
A week has gone by, and it feels like a year. I told myself I would sit this week. I would breathe. I would reflect, celebrate, praise, pray, and do my best to soak up everything that happened in just two short days last weekend.
Unify Phx.
On October 21-22, over 200 women from over 40 different churches around the Phoenix area and beyond gathered together with one goal in mind: UNITY. We wanted to BE the church together for a few days. We wanted to gather women from every part of the spectrum of faith, from every denomination, background, ethnicity…and we wanted to worship Jesus together.
What was three years in the making, the dreaming, the planning, turned out to be something far better than my wildest imaginations could have ever dreamed. The ripple effects are yet to even be seen of how God is going to transform this city because of these two short days.
There was surrender.
There was worship.
There was unity.
I’ve sat in the wonder and majesty of God for the past 9 days, and I can hardly begin to grasp what might come next. Another Unify? You bet! Unifys outside of Arizona? Absolutely! But that’s the small stuff. I’m seeing walls coming down. I’m seeing churches coming together on an even grander scale. I’m seeing healing in the body of Christ. I’m seeing change. I’m seeing love. I’m seeing revival. I’m seeing a lost world looking into what is supposed to be the hope of the world (The Church), and I’m seeing them wanting to be a part of it.
Because when the body of Christ functions how it should, there simply can be no other outcome. Jesus was lifted high as our individual banners were laid down. Jesus was our focus, not our own agendas and preferences. Jesus was taught, not religion.
And lives were changed.
Did you miss it? Were you unable to attend Unify Phx? Is there a bit of ache in your heart because of it?
Fear not! We captured much of the weekend on video, and those videos will be made available to you SOON! As you wait to watch for the first time or to refresh yourself on what you already witnessed, would you get on your knees with me and pray? Pray for what God is going to do in response to this gathering. Pray for the women who attended. Pray for a harvest to come from the seeds that were planted. Pray for the churches that were represented. Pray that this movement doesn’t stop here.
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