“As the deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God.” Psalm 42:1
Life’s storms have taught me to long for God.
Why? Because where sorrows abound, grace abounds all the more.
I’ve experienced the reward of being found desperate for Jesus.
Why? Because when I’m desperate for Him, my soul is fully satisfied.
Times of despair and discouragement have revealed to me my need of a Savior.
Why? Because lasting hope and true joy can only be found in Him.
Heartache and loss have taught me to trust in the God who heals.
Why? Because healing is readily available to those who wait on the Lord.
Brokenness has rescued me from the pits of my own sin.
Why? Because God delights in a broken and contrite heart.
Whatever may come my way, sorrow and pain or blessing and joy, I have learned to desire and take great delight in the Lord, for He alone can meet my abounding sorrow with abounding grace. As a famished deer longs for flowing streams of water, life’s sorrows and disappointments, struggles and difficulties, pain and loss…all of it has taught my soul to be famished for more of you, Jesus.
Nothing satisfies me like His love.
Nothing quenches the thirst of my soul like His presence.
And as long as it takes, whatever my lot, I will find myself desperate for more of you, sweet Jesus.
Take the next few minutes and listen to the words of this beautiful hymn. Let it be the cry of your heart today.
I Need Thee Every Hour by Selah
Thank you for sharing…I relate so much to these words! It's taken me awhile to get there but slowly I am seeing the sweet blessings that come from deep sorrows. It's so funny you posted that song because I listen to that song all the time as a source of strength! I've always listen to the Jars of Clay version so I enjoyed this version 🙂