“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9
When was the last time you were fully convinced that you were right about something? You were right, and they were wrong. End of discussion. Maybe it involved a disagreement with your spouse or a complicated issue at work. Perhaps it had to do with parenting or maybe it was a theological debate. Whatever it was, you KNEW you were right, and there was nothing that was going to make you budge. Nothing would make you change your mind because you were convinced that you were right. Maybe you even felt good about the decision you had come to or had peace about it, further assuring you that you were right.
I remember sitting in a church service several years ago, listening to the message that my pastor was giving, and he said something that changed my perspective from that day forward. He said, “You can be right, but still be wrong.” Being someone that struggles with the need to always be right in every situation, these few words hit hard and sank deep within my soul. Too many times in life, I have been so adamant about being right, that in the process, I was wrong because of how many I injured in my pursuit of needing to be right. This is an issue of the heart’s motivation. What I’ve learned is that sometimes the right thing to do is to relinquish your right to be right, because that is the right thing to do. It’s choosing to take the high road. And more often than not, the right thing isn’t the easy thing.
Forfeiting the need to be right in every situation requires humility and also requires an understanding that God’s ways are not ours. This is Philippians 2 lived out to the fullest by choosing to look not only to your own interests but also to the interests of others. God’s ways are always better. He will often ask us to do what seems impossible to us, but just because it doesn’t make sense or “feel” right, does not mean that it isn’t right or good. God’s ways are always better than ours. They are always higher than ours. They are always wiser than ours. Even though sacrifice on our part may be required, God will never fail to bless our obedience in this regard.
What do you do when the right thing isn’t the easy thing? Remind yourself of who God says He is in His Word. Our understanding is limited. We only see a fraction of the greater design that God has mapped out for us. He sees the whole picture, and asks us to have faith in His plan, the plan that is far better than our own. Faith will always declare, “You are God, and I am not. Even when it’s hard, I will follow you.”
Cherie, thank you for this reminder; I, too remember hearing this in church. I thought I had let it sink into my bone marrow, but obviously it is still rooted deep in a crevice, still in there! Your timing could not be more perfect as God continues to set out to show me His way of travel. Woowee, it truly is the less traveled road. I am blessed beyond measure to have faithful friends that keep pointing me back to His way. Love you sister!
I acted in a way last week with my mother that was not right. God in His mercy brought goodness into it. Oh, how He pours His love on to us, when we are willing to know Him deeper still. Hands down, God uses our relationships to draw us closer in intimacy with Him! We can be so thankful for this.