Welcome back to our study on the names, roles, and person of the Holy Spirit! Learning His names and roles throughout Scripture not only acquaints us with who God is, but it also gets us into His Word, which always proves beneficial. I am increasingly grateful for the life-giving nature of the Word of God, especially as trials increase and life as we know it only seems to get harder. We have a God who cares deeply for us, gives Himself to us, and speaks directly to us through His written Word.
THAT, my friends, is why we study…to know Him and to make Him known!
This week, we’re going to look at one specific “word” or title given to the Holy Spirit in the Greek (one of the Bible’s original languages) that renders a few different English translations: parakletos. It is from this Greek word that we get our English word “paraclete,” which means advocate or intercessor. I love studying words and their meanings. The more I practice this discipline, the deeper my understanding becomes on whatever topic I’m looking at. Let’s start with “advocate.”
- Advocate: a person who pleads for or in behalf of another; intercessor.
Isn’t it just incredible to you that the Holy Spirit serves us in this role? He pleads for you. He intercedes for you. He stands in the gap for you. He supports you. He defends you. The more we know about who God is, the more our own identity is informed. Think about it. If the Holy Spirit supports and defends us, then we are secure. We are protected. We are fought for. We are surrounded. We are not alone. Can you feel faith and hope surging through your veins?!
“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” John 14:26 NIV
Next, let’s look at the word “comforter.” I love this word. Just hearing it spoken out loud gives me a sense of peace and encouragement. It’s not just a noun or a title, either. It’s a verb. It implies action.
- Comforter: to soothe, console, or reassure; bring cheer to, to bring relief in affliction; consolation; solace
Once again, I’m so encouraged by how well the Lord knows what we need, and He left us with His Spirit who would provide for those needs like no one else ever could. When we hurt, ache, and despair, the Holy Spirit brings relief in our affliction with His presence. When the weight of the world presses in on us, the Spirit reassures us of truth: that our God is provider, and He will never leave us nor forsake us.
“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever,” John 14:16 ESV
Finally, the Holy Spirit is our Counselor. I’m thankful that the words “counselor” and “counseling” are seeming to lose their negative connotation. I’m not sure why they ever carried one to begin with, but more and more, I’m seeing freedom in pursuing help for our problems, and I love it. Even more than that, though, I love the counsel and help we can find in the Spirit. He counsels consistently in truth and righteousness, something that not even the best human counselor can claim.
- Counselor: one who gives advice, counsels
Above any earthly or human wisdom and advice stands the wisdom and counsel of the Holy Spirit, and He is constantly providing us with perfect, holy, and pure wisdom and counsel. We can rest in this. We can find such hope in who He is.
“And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.” Isaiah 11:2 ESV
Take heart, my friends. Our God is with us, fighting on our behalf, comforting us in our troubles, leading us into all truth. Live in this truth, today.
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