“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. The LORD is my portion, says my soul, therefore I will hope in Him.” Lamentations 3:22-24
These few verses have been my go to for years now. They have been a source of comfort and lasting hope. I love the promises held within, and I have clung to them again and again. Today is no different. For years, I have prayed to become a woman who longs for and craves the truth of God’s Word, and in recent years, my prayers have been flooded with the same words for each one of you. I desire to see a generation of women rising up to take their place in God’s Kingdom here on this Earth. I long for the day when God’s daughters know and love His Word and boldly proclaim it to the world around them. I wait in eager expectation for that day, and I believe that God is at work stirring hearts to a passionate pursuit of Himself.
I want us to focus in on a few promises found within the treasure of Lamentations 3:22-24, and I want you and I to not only hear the Word today – I want us to believe it!
First, God’s love is constant and never ends. Can we just rest in that truth for a moment and soak up its goodness? His love never runs out. It never fails. Even after we have seemed to exhaust the efforts of other’s love in our lives, God’s love for us never tires or grows weary. It’s steadfast. It’s constant. That’s a promise. Rest in it.
Second, we are met with new mercy each and every morning. Mercy that is sufficient for that day. Mercy that pardons and covers and forgives. Mercy that sets us free. Mercy – God choosing to not give us what we do deserve. His mercy towards us never ends. His mercy towards us is new this morning, and it will be fresh and new tomorrow. That’s a promise. Rest in it.
Third, God is faithful. He’s made us some pretty substantial promises in just the first two verses, but the promises continue in this: He is faithful to keep His promises. Great is His faithfulness. He’s not lacking in faithfulness. He’s not running out of it. He is faithful. That’s a promise. Rest in it.
Finally, when we know and believe the above stated promises, we can arrive at a place where God becomes our portion, all that we need. He satisfies our desires. He quenches our thirst. And this, my friends, is where hope is born. Our God is a promise maker, and rest assured, He is a promise keeper. That’s a promise. Rest in it.
As often as I’ve read and sung and even claimed these verses, I don’t know that I’ve truly realized the import of them being found in Lamentations, a book dedicated to expressing sorrow. Wow. Thank you for this, and for how you continually encourage us in the Word.