“For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:6-7
Perhaps if we could begin targeting the root of the problem, we would find the healing and peace of mind that we’re after. What is the root of anxiety? What is the underlying cause? Before we go any further, allow me to assure you that I am not about to get scientific, medical, or psychological on you. I don’t know the ins and outs of the chemical makeup and structure of the human body and what causes it to function properly. However, I know that One who fashioned and formed it, so I’m going to run to the source of truth on the matter. Would you join me?
After having spent much time in the trenches alongside those who battle anxiety as well as having personally dealt with my fair share of it, I have come to this conclusion:
The root of anxiety is unfulfilled responsibility, meaning that we know that we were made for more, but we’re doing little to nothing about it.
I can’t help but wonder if that is what spurred the Apostle Paul on to remind Timothy with the above exhortation. It’s almost as if he were saying, “Hey, Timothy! Remember that one time when God gifted you in order that His purposes might be fulfilled through you? Yeah, about that. Get to work, brother! Step into your calling!” I can imagine Paul’s tone was tender but tough, knowing that Timothy, no doubt, was more than likely struggling with doubt, insecurity, and fear.
Doesn’t it just astound you how perfectly relevant God’s Word is for us today, a few thousand years later? God, in His foreknowledge and sovereignty, knew that you and I would need to hear these words penned by Paul and written to Timothy. God knew that this charge would be significant in spurring us on from a place of inaction and complacency to audacious and proactive faith.
What has God called you to that you are just sitting on? What unfulfilled responsibilities remain in your life? God is calling you out of it today, friends. He hasn’t given us a spirit of fear that would make us feel timid in the face of our calling. On the contrary, He’s equipped us for every good work that He sets before us. Believe it, and choose to step out of anxiety today and into your calling.
Good reminder for me today. Thanks!