“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9
Earlier today, I had a brief conversation with a new and dear friend of mine about this mind-boggling thing called grace. Although our chat lasted only a minute, my eyes were opened. I was reminded again today how many of us live in constant defeat and doubt, unable to believe that God would choose to lavish His matchless grace on us. We live in a world of entitlement that rears its ugly head every day, shouting, “I deserve!” And why do we feel this way? Because we’ve worked hard, and now we’ve earned every last thing that we feel entitled to. It’s pretty messed up, actually, to think that any single one of us deserves anything. We are all fallen, depraved, sinful, broken image bearers of a perfect, Holy, Righteous God, and still we make our demands.
On the flip side of this ugly age of entitlement, we’ve come to believe that we simply can’t get anything for free. Everything has a cost, a price. But you see, that’s where Jesus came in and turned everything upside down. While before the cross of Jesus Christ, it was primarily focused on the do’s and don’ts, and needing to fulfill and accomplish and do, do, do. But then the sweet fragrance of Jesus Himself swept through this world, and revealed a greater way:
It’s not earned or deserved. It’s grace. It can’t be bought or sold. It’s grace. There’s nothing you can do that will entitle you to a larger dose of it. It’s grace. Grace simply put is getting what you don’t deserve. Beautiful, isn’t it? In a world that never hands out much of anything for free, we have this Jesus who offers unending grace to all who would receive it.
Someone, somewhere needs to hear this today. Grace is what ushers salvation into your life – not your good works or lack of bad works. It’s grace. And this grace is extended to you today from the nailed-pierced hand of Jesus Himself. Would you reach out and grab it? Would you cling to it as you would to life itself?
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now I’m found,
‘Twas blind, but now I see.
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