“The sum of your Word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures forever.” Psalm 119:160
You know how the saying goes: “If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me this question…” Well, this question has been asked more and more, and in a time when the world shouts, “Truth is relative”, it is never more crucial for God’s people to know what His Word says.
So, I want to invite you to engage with me over the next couple of days, and dialogue with each other in response to a few scenarios I’m going to offer below. I’ll list the scenario and then ask you, “What does the Bible have to say about that?” This is your turn to search out the scriptures for truth. Do your homework. Know WHY you believe what you believe, and I pray that the “why” is because it is found in God’s Word, not because someone told you to believe it or because you’ve experienced it. Remember, this is in no way about judging or condemning others. This is to equip us as believers to know truth and to be able to distinguish truth from error so that we, too are not deceived by the enemy. “What does the Bible have to say about it” should be the first question we ask ourselves when we are confronted with all manner of uncertainty that the world throws at us daily. May your new default be turning to God’s Word.
Scenario #1:
The Sandy Hook shooting was a devastating tragedy, and the fallout still lingers. Our hearts continue to break over the lives lost and the unimaginable grief that those left behind have suffered. Among those taken were brave individuals who gave their lives to save the children in their care. Although they displayed incredible courage and strength in the face of adversity, some things that were said of these brave ones in regards to faith and eternity seemed to stand out. “God is saving a special place for her in heaven.” Giving her life to safe the lives of those children was beyond brave, but did that act grant her salvation in Jesus Christ? Did it guarantee a place for her in heaven? What does God’s Word have to say about salvation? Now, it’s your turn. Search through the Bible and find as many references as you can that would speak to this scenario. What verses did you find? Please share them in the comments.
Scenario #2:
With the onslaught of sexual sin becoming the norm in our culture, there continues to be an increase in cohabitation, including both non-believers and Christians. Unmarried couples testing the waters before tying the knot is an increasing reality in our society and a widely accepted one at that. Your good friend comes to you to ask you advice about this very thing. She and her boyfriend have now been dating for awhile, have since fallen in love, have begun sleeping together, and the next natural step in the equation is to move in together. She asks you what you think about it. What does the Bible have to say about this? What verses did you find? Please share them in the comments.
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